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Only me...

edited April 2011 in Vent
So back in december i bought a sponcer kennel because they were on sale i was really happy and such but being a human i oveously want more then one kennel. So i found a kennel for sale and traded 20 imports and free training for a month and guess what something happens and i can't get into the kennel. i am really mad because i have a few dogs in there some10x4s and such and im boarding my dogs there so i want them to be checked on. finally after a confusing talk on technical support some troble getting emails and looking in my spam folder i finally get in to my kennel. well you are probanly saying hey good job you learned a lesson n0w everything is nock nock good good. No no no no. So i deside hey i want a rescue that sounds fun right? so i started renting a kennel today. good owner, really nice only 100k a month and so she gives me the password and username and guess what? i lose the username and have to pm her to get it again. *sigh* end of rant just wanted to share that so you could learn of my misery


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