You guys are already finding eggs! And I havent even posted my clues yet. CLues coming soon for everyone else that wasnt able to find the painfully obvious eggs.
If you found any on my page those were just testers and they dont count..yes, you are supposed to message me so I can have a total count of how many points you forget to message and you dont get points! O.O<br><br><span style="font-size:200">I posted my hints, two more will be added but Im looking for really good hiding places! START HUNTING PEOPLE!!</span>
Sorry, but I refuse to make my hints any easier then what they are! xD <br><br>Looks like you three are in the lead..the others aren't even searching me thinks! O.O
LOL..... I know <br><br>Probally gonna hit the hay, and try again when I'm rested... <br>Where I was swimming had a SERIOUS strong current and some HUGE waves... <br>So it wore me oout struggling from being drowned..... lol <br><br>But this dickie still lives!
good they were suposed to be confusing i can't understand zyndalees actully.<br><br>I feel useless so send me your scores and i shall be score keeper now
Ok, I got the PMs RNRQ! I might be on later to add up all the points and eggs then edit my post and give you all your current scores (I think me and emme have different information so far). But right now, I must leave. You'll get hints number 5 and 6 later on tonight! And tomorrow we're hiding even MORE eggs so the hunt continues!!
Emme, Zyn knows how many eggs I've found. So just add that to the two I message you about. :P I really don't understand yours though. I don't even know if some of them are on a kennel or the forums or what....