No dir!! <br>Of course he was dry!! <br><br>They cooked him in a oven! And before that they defeatherd him! <br>And before that! They refused to feed or water that pore duckyl <br><br>And those little ducksies you saw were his kids!! <br><br>RAWR!! thats messed up Finny!!
* Grabs torch and pitch fork * <br><br>No one eats me without a fight!! * <br><br>Oh no you just didn't insult my "yard sale" bought docter certificate!!! <br>And Rocky, you are just as bad as Finny for eating my cousin!!
Keelah is just like me!! <br>Mwah ha hah ah hahahahah <br><br>* Takes alaboarte biw and jumps into a tree, leaving everybody to be eaten by the killer fishies!! *