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Ok ya, I'll just ignore the sharp object...

edited April 2011 in Vent
This vent might touch some nerves, hophelly not. Now a week or so ago I made a vent about be scared for my life and even stated I was being a tad dramatic (well I thought so, others didint) but withing a two week span im in another situation, and this time Im honestly shaking in my shoes. And it shows how uncaring even the best schools can be.<br> <span style="font-weight:bold">Short Version</span><br> Somone started a rumor about a girl named Lin saying this new kid cheated, wich she did say, but the rumor starter, Alex had twisted it around and made it into a racial remark. The new student is from Korea. Well Lin, being how she is, blamed it on me when I had no involvment.<br> The new Kid will call Him KJ, was very angry. He sent me nasty text and so and I just ignored them and told him to stop contacting Lin and I. On monday, I accdiently sprayed water on him out of this science thingy and the teacher happend to be out of the room. He threw a glue stick at me and I seriosly started crackign up in his face. I tryed the best not to, but, i thought it was hilarious! So He grabs scissors..... and points them inches from my face. He was starting to lunge them, when the teacher walked in thank god. I mean, he seriosyl was starting to stab me! Because I SPRAYED HIM WITH WATER?!<br> But theres so much more to the story....(look at long version) <br> <br> <span style="font-weight:bold">Long and ANGRY version</span><br> Ugh well as I said the rumor thing started. Then the scissor thing. Well I didnt plan on teling about the scicors, untill I walked out of the class and he honest to god chased me FULL SPEED down the hall! It was like a scene from a movie, we where shoving people out of the way. Did I mention he still had the scissors? So I ran straight into Mr.H's room. He kept asking what was wrong and I chouldnt speak. I just stood there, shaking like crazy. Then LIN and my friend Eva walk in the room shaking. <br> What hapend to them was KJ in the hall tryed to beat Lin with a book over and over and then Eva noticed and pushed him off (shes very strong) and he tryed to punch her. They both ran to mr.h's room.<br>So I told him my side as well. We went to the principal about it and get this..<br> <br> 4th hour I see KJ staring at us from across the room. I was shocked he was still in the class. Lin, Kendall (someone KJ has tryed to punch before) and I asked Mr.H who was the teacher of the class, if KJ whould get in trouble. His response "Why whould he get in trouble for something he didnt do.". I didnt know what to say. <br> Later we are called into the princiapls office. She goes on and on how he dosent understand english, how he was just angry from bullying and how we are at fault not him. <br> 1.He told two guy friends he whould still punch me.<br> 2. He speakes decent english, and regardless, he knows that scissors, and a punch hurt. I know for a fact no matter where your from, you have common knowlege of what hurts and dosent.<br> 3. He TRYED TO STAB ME! If that was a kid whos been at school for awhile, not new, theyd be sent away on the spot no doubt about it. I got detention for ACCIDENTLY knocking off someones glasses this year, but he dosent for viloence?<br> 4. I got blamed and yelled at for making the racial remark to him, when it wasnt even me. She spent 20 minutes dogging me to tears about something I didnt do, and Lin walked free.<br><br> Guess what? KJ was at school today, not suspended. He still wants to hurt me? How do I know this? Because he told everyone. <br>Not. right. at. all.<br><br> Oh I also have demon boy trying to "end my life" now on my walks home. Parents dont belive me, teachers dont care. This is not fair. Or right.


  • Cant edit**<br> I know for a fact he knows english because hes been here for 3 months and he used to be nice, and be friends, and talk to everyone. He knows egzactly what hes saying, doing ect. <br> But he pretends he dosent with the teachers wich makes me made. Im not just assuming this all, i used to consider im a friend so I know him fairly well.<br> Ok end rant...sorry.
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