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Any Dog People?? Help!

As a lot of you know, I decided to try agility with my 6 year old lab Dixie. She loves it, I use her tennis ball to motivate her and she jumps around, so excited, and she's doing really good. Right now I've got an A-frame, some jumps, and weave poles, and we're still building. Anyways, I haven't really considered competing with Dixie, she is kind of old (though she doesn't show it.) However I think it would be really good to take her to a class so we can work with a trainer, meet other dogs, have a bigger, better course, etc.<br><br>The problem is, Dixie wasn't socialized very well. We got her when she was 1 or 2 and she had been abandoned, heavily pregnant. She has come a long way. She still cowers at the vets, but never bites or growls. She's not good with other dogs, and she tries to be dominant around them. If a dog comes up to her and sniffs her in the wrong way, she growls, and she's even gotten into fights. This also seems better now, but I'm still really concerened. If she were to go at another dog (she'd never bite a person) it wouldn't be pretty. Trust me, she's never caused any damage but I'm still worried. <br><br>Besides that issue, I'm afraid she'd be too nervous out with a bunch of other people and dogs and wouldn't be able to focus. So, is this something I could consider, or is it out of the question? If I do it, how can I make sure she will focus and won't be bad around the other dogs? Thanks!
Goals: 13/50million VPC


  • Well, when I first got Laru agilty was completely out of the question because she was having the same problems with dogs, she's an ex dog killer, before she was in my care she killed atleast four dogs according to previous owners. But the main cause for her problem was her breed, because she was bred for fighting, and because she to was not properly socialized. Your dog, on the other hand, sounds like she has trust issues when it comes to other dogs maybe? And Dixie doesn't sound nearly as bad as LaLa. The thing that worked for Laru was proper socializing with help from our dog park and neighbor's dogs. Now Laru still hates dogs, but she would never attack one unless told to, and if a dog attacks her I immediately call her to me and she ignores the dog (even while it's attacking her), and comes crawling to my feet, I don't even have to worry about her fighting back. Training is the key!! xD<br><br>There is no (behavioral) problem that good training can't fix, train and socialize her more. If you don't think you could train her, take her to a behavior class before an agility class. If a class is out of the question then use a muzzle when competing and when in the agility class and around other dogs, (although that would only solve half the problem because she would still be nervous). Those are really the only options I can see, I know that most dogs hate the muzzle, but if you can't get her properly trained and you can't use a muzzle (without her freaking out), then competing her or taking her to the class I would say, is completely out of the question. Even if she only poses little threat. That would be like taking a dog that's bitten people before and has had no correctional training, and entering him in conformation. And even though she barely causes any damage when it comes to fighting, if she was to bite the wrong dog, say, an agility dog (and the agility dog got hurt), I'm sure the other dog's owner wouldn't be to happy. O.O<br><br>Odds are she will be nervous around all those people and dogs, take her to a few events and just WATCH. Don't make her do anything, just relax, get used to the scene, and make sure she's comfortable. After she's gotten used to all of it it wont be such a big deal when she actually competes.
  • Yeah, I don't think she's ever left a mark, drew blood or anything. Normally she just snaps and/or growls at a dog, however once or twice there was a dog she really didn't get along with that she ended up fighting with. More like wrestling than attacking, it's hard to describe. I do think part of it is dominance, part of it is fear. We don't know much about her past, someone just found her walking around pregnant in really bad shape. I'm guessing the owners abandoned her when she got pregnant, Dixie is so loyal, she has never even tried to run. <br><br>That's exactly what I was worried about. An owner getting mad or saying my dog is dangerous. I would never want to risk getting Dixie hurt by another dog, taken out of the class, or taken away because of her "dangerous" behavior. That's a bit extreme, but I suppose it could happen. <br><br>I defintley think I should socialize her more. Maybe I'll take her to an outdoor concert, the petstore, places where there are other dogs and lots of people. I just wish she was younger. It seems like time is running out before she's too old to do agiltiy. =(<br><br>Speaking of that, does anyone know the age? Dixie is about 5 or 6. We don't know her birthdate. She seems very entergetic and healthy now, but I would never want to risk hurting her. Of course I never force her to do agility, if she stops to lay down and rest we don't run the course again until SHE gets up and comes to me. Still, she's so obsessed with her tennis ball she'd probably do anything to play with it.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I have a rescue dog, so I know how you feel. We have to be more cautious around people and other dogs, because we don't really know what happened to our dog when she was rescued.<br><br>But anyways, I think you should definitely join a class. Whether it is for behavioral problems, or agility, I think the socialization would help. Just a few weeks ago I went to a trainer, for only about 1 hour, and had only one lesson. She said "Never give your dog the chance to fail". My interpretation of that is if your dog is in a bad position, snarling at another dog/person, walk away. I usually use a clicker to reward good behavior, and the "look" command to get her attention when she isn't being very nice, or is distracted. My main problem with my rescue dog is her attitude towards children, and strangely....people with hats. I guess I don't really agree with this, but the trainer told me that if the dog is in a bad position, walk away until you know the dog will succeed. I didn't really stay on topic of your agility class, but in my opinion, go for it.
    Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0
  • Thanks! I suppose making sure your dog doesn't do something bad in the first place is a lot better than having to scold them for doing something bad. I really do want to try it, and I think she'll be fine once she gets used to it. I might take her to watch the class a few times. I think I get more nervous than she does sometimes, which I'm sure doesn't help.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • try maybe watching the class with her and soalize her their. if she starts to get scared or aggressive bring her attion back to you by using a treat and putting it in front of her nose and then bringing it towards you so she focuses on you and the treat, bouncing a ball ar saying "weres the ball" or whatever word conects her to the ball, walk REALLY fast backward till she is focusing and moving with you, or even have her do little tricks like sit down sit stand or a ton of circles.<br><br>i would definatly go to the class and i dont think she is too old. i see dog that are 10 or 12 ears old doing agility, heck i no a border collie who looks like her first owner was from 100 b.c. :shock: and about the agression, don't tell lala but my dogs arn't the most socil buterflys to dogs but they whine and cry to meet random people. so just basicly distract them so they are in this situation but don't really care because you are ALOT more exsiting. were i do agility there is a pond where you can throw balls and do dock diving and i can let all of my dogs off leash in there and while ya they will bare their teeth at a dog up their butt and i admite there have been a few scuffles but nothing major, but the point is they can be a ton of dogs around but if i pick up a ball and call them twords the dock they just say screw you other dogs im going and jumping off the dock.
  • Actually, starting with a muzzle may not be a bad thing. It'll calm everyone down, and that'll make the dogs less tense. If you bring your dog around other dogs thinking "What if..." you're setting your dog up to do that behavior. Dogs feed off people's energy, after all. Start with small groups of dogs, maybe a dog park during the week day if you can? Remember, muzzles are good when used properly.
  • She is definetley distracted by her tennis ball, however if she does get really nervous I don't think she'd be motivated by it. <br><br>Kaz, I don't know how she would react to a muzzle. I'm sure she would cooperate, but I doubt she'd like it. Then again, she puts up with our cats practically attacking her for no reason, and she puts up with me putting bows on her ears. :lol: <br>It's worth a shot, but I hate doing that to her. When I see a dog with a muzzle, something in my brain just says "Either that's a dangerous dog or a lazy owner." I don't want anyone thinking my dog is dangerous or I'm a bad owner. *sigh.*<br><br>Okay, I'm gonna look around for classes, save up my money, and think about this. If I do decided yes, I will take her to watch a class first and see how she reacts. Thanks for all the help guys!<br><br>(Btw, if you still want to reply I'm still open to advice)
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Use positive reinforcement with the muzzle. Pet her, love on her, pet her with the muzzle... Put treats in the muzzle to entice her to put her nose in it herself, etc. Explain to other owners why she's muzzled, say it's because you just want to socialize her in the safest way.
  • yes and when you get a muzzle although they look worst get one that she can open her mouth in and paint wich she cant do in the fabric ones.<br><br><br>Also i agree with Kazuko make the muzzle some thing fun and intresting and just the most awesomest thing in the world is to wear that muzzle.
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