Okay so some of you have heard me talk about a girl who is trying to out-do me with her horses. Well today, Sunday right, they leave at 9 or 9:30 for church and they start school at 8 through the week- well she waits till the afternoon to feed them and she only feeds them ONCE a day!!! She sometimes waits till 9-11 at night to feed them! Goes to prove that she shouldn't have them just to out-do me. She even has a 40 yr old horse that is starving and all its teeth fell out so she doesn't even atleast go tube it TWICE! ONLY ONCE! And I have to go spend all day with her royal highness, who SAYS she loves horses soooo much but she never shows it,like me and my horse loving friends do by (well those of us who don't have our own horses) taking care of the horses the own/ride! She just wants them to 1. out-do me. 2. for the "popularity" of saying she has horses.
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
Goals: 13/50million VPC
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!