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Starving Horses!

edited April 2011 in Vent
Okay so some of you have heard me talk about a girl who is trying to out-do me with her horses. Well today, Sunday right, they leave at 9 or 9:30 for church and they start school at 8 through the week- well she waits till the afternoon to feed them and she only feeds them ONCE a day!!! She sometimes waits till 9-11 at night to feed them! Goes to prove that she shouldn't have them just to out-do me. She even has a 40 yr old horse that is starving and all its teeth fell out so she doesn't even atleast go tube it TWICE! ONLY ONCE! And I have to go spend all day with her royal highness, who SAYS she loves horses soooo much but she never shows it,like me and my horse loving friends do by (well those of us who don't have our own horses) taking care of the horses the own/ride! She just wants them to 1. out-do me. 2. for the "popularity" of saying she has horses.
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • <span style="font-size:90">While I do get very pissed off when people starve their horses, feeding once a day instead of twice isn't a big deal.<br>If I owned Dude, he wouldn't get any grain and he'd sit out in a pasture all day.<br>If I owned Luck, she wouldn't get any grain and only be in a grassy pasture for 5-10 hours a day.<br>A lot of horses don't need any grain; there's just as many that need grain in order to stay a healthy weight. Some horses are in between and only need fed once a day, every other day, etc.<br>As long as there's water and hay for at least 18 hours, I don't see an issue unless the horse is in noticeably bad condition.<br><br>And for the 40 yr old with no teeth..I, personally, would have him/her PTS. A horse needs forage in order to keep its digestive tract working correctly; if a horse can't eat, I don't think anything else should be asked of it. That's just my opinion though, I can't comment much else on that.<br><br>Over-all, if you think that her horses are being abused, call the humane society (aspca, etc) or the police and report it. All reported incidents must be checked out by an officer. That's all you can really do though. <br></span>
  • Yeah, but still, she hates them and she abuses them in front of the SHOW JUDGE :/
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • <span style="font-size:90">By abusing, would you explain how she abuses them?<br>Some forms of discipline (as an example) are considered abuse but aren't, yet some forms aren't even though they should be.</span>
  • I doubt she was Abusing them if it were at a show judge. It obviously wasnt considered abuse if the judge didnt say anything or ask her to leave.
  • <span style="font-size:90">By abusing, would you explain how she abuses them?<br>Some forms of discipline (as an example) are considered abuse but aren't, yet some forms aren't even though they should be.</span>
    <br>Well she picks up the lead rope (plus she uses spurs, which I NEVER do but thats just me :P) when her <span style="text-decoration:underline">40 yr old horse</span> "wont obey" when she was kicking her with her spurs IN FRONT of the JUDGES and everyone else!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • <span style="font-size:90">By abusing, would you explain how she abuses them?<br>Some forms of discipline (as an example) are considered abuse but aren't, yet some forms aren't even though they should be.</span>
    <br>Well she picks up the lead rope (plus she uses spurs, which I NEVER do but thats just me :P) when her <span style="text-decoration:underline">40 yr old horse</span> "wont obey" when she was kicking her with her spurs IN FRONT of the JUDGES and everyone else!
    <br>oops :oops: XD and hits her horse with it.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • A 40year old in competitions? And he can't even eat? I consider <span style="font-weight:bold">that</span> to be abuse more than spurs....
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • If the horse is still willing and able i see no harm in showing him. If he was really that poor a judge would say something about it. And i use spurs on my gelding. Some horses just need them. Not harshly used but they need them to mind. One girl at drill today had to dig hers into her horse before he would move. It was his own fault though. He knew what to do and he still didnt so she corrected him. And using a lead rope to correct a horse isnt any worse than using a whip for a barrel horse. Im sorry but i just dont see an abuse case out of this...
  • If the horse is still willing and able i see no harm in showing him. If he was really that poor a judge would say something about it. And i use spurs on my gelding. Some horses just need them. Not harshly used but they need them to mind. One girl at drill today had to dig hers into her horse before he would move. It was his own fault though. He knew what to do and he still didnt so she corrected him. And using a lead rope to correct a horse isnt any worse than using a whip for a barrel horse. Im sorry but i just dont see an abuse case out of this...
    <br>I wasnt planning on calling in people on her, but she does horrible things to those animals just for laughs.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • LOL its just Ben (my coaches) and my opinion that MOST horses dont need spurs but some do :)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • LOL its just Ben (my coaches) and my opinion that MOST horses dont need spurs but some do :)
    <br><span style="font-size:90">He's right. Most horses that are correctly trained don't <span style="font-style:italic">need</span> spurs. They're used as an aid, just as a dressage rider uses a whip-and quite often uses spurs as well.<br>If I was training a reining horse, I'd have cues all over the place without spurs. But if you have spurs, you can have up to 5+ cues in the <span style="font-style:italic">same exact spot</span> near the horses girth because you can use just leg, a bump with the spur, a roll of the spur, etc.<br>And depending on which type of spur she had, she probably would've been able to kick as hard as she could and not phase the horse at all. Some of the "baby-spurs" will do next to nothing to a horse that's already been dead to most leg cues; but if you put a big, sharp roweled spur on, you can do a whole hell of a lot of damage to a horse.<br>My point in describing two types of spurs (least harsh to harshest) was that spurs are only as harsh as their riders. I know a few riders who can use a roweled spur with the weight of a feather on the horse and the horse will respond, but I also know riders who will willingly tear up their horse's barrel to get it to do what they want.<br>I hope that was..readable, I'm not sure I typed the words as well as they sound in my head. xD</span>
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