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Guinea Pig Problems

edited May 2011 in General Discussion
My male guiena pig, Almond, has had some general issues lately. He totally freaks out whenever I try to handle him (touch, pick up, ect). He literally runs up the sides of his cage to try to get away form me. He was abused by his previous owners, but it never showed much. Now he's very hand shy, and just scared in general. Earlier today, I was trying to handle him and it took almost an hour just to get him used to me holding him. I've been trying to be more patient while taking him out of his cage and all, and moving veeery slowly, but it just doesn't seem to work. Even the slightest movement scares him out of his pants and makes him run to the other side of his cage. It makes me sad that he doesn't enjoy being handled, because it's spossesd to be a fun thing for him to do. I know it is important for him to get daily excersize and get out of his cage, but he just doesn't enjoy it. He flips out, and if I put him on the floor, he won't do anything, he just sits there scared. I must be doing some thing terribly wrong if he's acting this way, but I really don't think I am. I think what the problem is, is when he had to be seperated from his guiena pig friend Joy, when we figured out he was actually a boy, and Joy's a girl. He's been shy and sad ever sicne then, I believe. I think the best thing would to be to get him neutered and put him back with Joy. I'm slightly worried that when and if I do take him in to get neutered, he'd be so scared that he'd fly across the room or something insane like that. Onto the next thing. I also think Almond has some type of parasite problem, or prehaps he's jsut ichy. Because, he's scratched his back so hard that it bled. I really hope it doesn't get infected. He keeps itching at it over and over and keeps openig the wound. Which is a problem. It sounds like my pig just needs some love, a friend, and a trip to the vet. Do you know of anything that might calm him down so I could, prehaps hold him?


  • My guinea pig, Princess, does the same thing as far as being nervous when held and being hard to catch. She too was abused by a previous owner. I haven't come up with an idea of how to make it easier to catch her, so I'm of no help there. However, I calm her down when I'm holding her by doing T-touch massage. What you do is apply a little pressure with your fingertips and move them in small, slow circles. Start at the back and slowly work your way to his head and face. I hope that helps.<br><br>Now for the scratching. Push back the fur so you can see the skin, if there are any little white things, those are flea eggs. Both of my pigs got them when somebody brought their dog over who was covered in fleas. If the eggs are there, wash them with Dawn dish soap (has to be Dawn) then spray them with Flea & Tick Spray.<br><br>Good luck Patty!
  • Thanks! I was reading about how you could get some flea spray, and I think I'll go to the pet store to get some today. Interesting petting technique, I'll be sure to try it. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with Princess!
  • I wouldn't feel too poorly about your Guinea Pig handling situation. Rodents almost always tend to be a bit skiddish unless you raised them straight from birth. It just really depends on the bond/level of trust, and past issues. Like with cats and dogs, a lot of them need to be rehabilitated coming from abusive past families/environments and such. I can only imagine how difficult it'd be for professionals to even try that with rodents. Dark and comfortable places tend to be calming and relaxing -try wrapping him in a towel or blanket (preferably one not too valuable as there is a chance it'll go to the bathroom in it), to calm him down. Sometimes a heartbeat can calm people and animals down, hold him close to your heart, speak softly, pet him gently (see if you can find a favorite spot: my guineas tended to like behind the ears or chin), maybe feed him a couple treats such as carrots, lettuce, hay, etc.<br><br>It'll take some time though, you can't always expect a miracle. A good way to get him to come to you rather than chasing him all over the cage is to hold a carrot through the wires of it caged (cage shut, and it keeps a barrier between your hands and himself). After a week of that, try keeping the door open and feeding him through there. Just be sure to not make any other sudden movements that'll freak him out. They tend to wanna rip it from your grip and squeek off with it in happiness though, lol. So maybe after week of that, take out the house you have for him and continue door feeding him. He'll run to a back corner, but at least he can't hide in his house. He'll have to keep watch on you now and this will get him to learn you mean no harm if you just watch him contently =)
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  • I tried to not worry much about him not wanting to be handled. But, the thing is, he used to enjoy it so much. Actually, I used to show him, afew months back. I guess it didn't last for very long, but I still show Joy. I think he should/ can still live very happily and scare free if I reslove the problem now. He's only six months old or so, so he's not very old. I've tried also to coax him with food, but it doesn't work often, because he's not very food motivated. So, I'll just take this slow, and one step at a time to try to get him used to me again. Thanks for the suggestions I'll be sure to try all of them!
  • Oh, well not knowing your previous experience with him, I assumed he was always that way. Who knows, maybe Joy messed with him and spread rumors bout you ;D Just kidding. Towel always works though. Keeps them from squirming too much
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  • Oh no, he used to be a very happy boy, up until be found out he was a boy. Male. XD Now he's just a mean bean. Grumpy old man.
  • Are they doing any better??
  • I was just thinking about posting again! : ) The wound on Almond's back has almost healed completley, although he still screams when I part his fur to look at it. He hasn't been biting either. The only hard part is getting him out of his cage. I feel bad having to invade his territory to get him out. But, I guess Joy is just a one of a kind, because when you open her cage she runs up to you and literally jumps into your arms. I think he's doing alot better though. Thanks guys!
  • I'm so glad to hear that you've made progress with them! :P
  • Oh! And I gave him a bath with the dawn dish soap. I was going to go get some spray for (fleas, ticks, or what ever) but I was told he was fine. I think he just had dry skin. There were little white flakes in his fur so I thought it was lice. But, he's not itching much at all any more. I really appreciate your help!
  • No problame-o. You know I'm always here for you Patty
  • Yay! *clampsontoleg*
  • Excuse meh? Did you call me a goof?
  • *Jumps up and down* Great news guys. I think Almond is really starting to enjoy being held again. The only hard part is getting him out of the cage. But, after that, he's perfectly fine. Joy, has always been easy to handle, she just runs up to the front of the cage and literally jumps into your arms. Almond, is just not like that. But, he's really coming along nicely. :]
  • Woot! That's awesome! =D
  • Almond is fond of your petting techniques. xP
  • You may now call me the....Guinea Pig Whisperer ,lol
  • It seems to me that Almond is back to his old self. And, I also believe I have just relized what the problem was. And now I feel stupid. I think, he didn't want anyone touching him because he was in pain. D: But now that I've taken care of the wound on his back, and it is completly healed, he enjoys being held. :]
  • Ah yes, that would make sense. When Patches was a little guinea piglet, one of his littermates bit him, and the same thing happened with not wanting to be held.
  • Oi, I see. Well, I'll have to upload you some pictures of my happy little man! :]
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