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edited April 2011 in Vent
7th grade I met my "bff". We might as well have been sisters. Senior year comes and we're still close. One week we're planning out how we could get an apartment together so we could chill 24/7 together. The next week comes and she's "too busy to hang out", which I understood.<br>The same day she tells me that I see her at Wal Mart with a bunch of people. I think "whatever" and brush it off. Then the same thing happens 3 more times. At this point I'm feeling totally rejected.<br>So one night I was at Wal Mart and see her with some people, we're in line and she tries talking to me. I was mad at her, so I dont say anything to her even though she's trying to talk to me.<br>Graduation day comes, and somehow we're all buddy-buddy again. The next day i get the "im too busy to hang" thing again, and see her with people again. This time i try to be nice and say "hi", she ignores me, so from there we basically werent friends anymore.<br>Today my uncle sees her (it's been almost 3 years since we've talked) And she's asking him a bunch of questions about me, and saying shit like "Tell ___ to call me sometime" I don't know, it just really makes me mad because she kinda made me look like the mean person. I'm not the one that traded her in for other people.<br>......end of rant


  • Wow, Im sorry :/
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • It's best to just keep her out of your life. I've been through rough times with my friends and it's only the real ones that persevere through it all and stay by your side if they really care. I realized who was causing me trouble and took action to keep them from being around me anymore. Nothing could be better than the group of friends I have now! (:
  • I completely agree. Another friend was trying to get me to "make peace" with her..Not happening,lol
  • All this because she was with other people? You guys aren't married or anything so I dont see the problem? She actually was busy if she already made plans with those other people. Because it wasn't something like a doctors appointment doesn't mean she wasn't actually busy. People have a lot of friends and it appears she does too. Seems like it was nice that she was trying to talk to her? I mean, it didn't sound like she ignored your attempts to talk to her until you ignored her first from being mad at her hanging with some other people. There's no reason to be that mad over everything and be upset. Just try getting her alone and talking about what happened. Life is too short to make mountains of mole hills.<br><br>I also don't know the whole story or witnessed how she acted but from what you were saying in here, it sounded like you were just mad because she was spending time with some other friends. <br><br>Also, don't get me wrong, I had a friend that always said she was busy with other people. She hardly had time for me. We respectfully parted ways with no hard feelings.
  • I understand what you are saying, but I think she could've simply said "Sorry, but I made plans with so and so, can we hang out some other time?"
  • But you pointed out that she tried talking to you the one time but you didnt listen. What if she was trying to tell you then? You weren't actually giving her a chance until you finally tried talking to her. By then she probably felt to hurt to apologize like she may have been trying to do in the first place.<br><br>Im speculating here. xD<br><br>Regardless, I think you should try talking to her again. Seriously, it isn't really worth it to be mad at someone, especially a friend =)
  • Well, theres some stuff that I had to leave out....I didn't want to get banned from VP,lol. She's the type of person who if you make her mad (ie. ignoring her) and she cares enough about you, she'll call and talk about it, and she never did.
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