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They stole meh babies

**Warning** Following message contains complete randomness<br><br>Has anyone seen the article on the couple who had two sets of identical twins? I guess she had some procedure done, and the most baby's she should have had was 2, lucky to even have one, but she has four because both split (trying not to go into to much detail here)<br><br> Any who, I love baby's! My dream is not to be an actress, or singer or doctor or anything big-just the good mother I never had. And I want twins SO bad.<br> Im probolly going to adopt a pair of identicle ones in the future. (Yes I plan ahead very far)<br> And I have to say-they stole my future babies. Babys make me happy.<br> <br> My friends pick on me because when I see a pregnant ladie I have to stop and ask questions. I draw preganant ladies all the time, like silhouettes of them. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sad story )=</span><br>We had a sub who was way prego and I was like do you have names, do you know gender ect. asking all these questions, and they didnt seem to mind because they where awnsering with great enthusiasm. I asked if they had other kids, and they said no. I made the comment they must be exited, and her face grew cold, and harsh. She asked me to leave (it was lunch period not class)<br> When I returned for class she told me she wasnt exited. I was shocked, and didnt say anything. She then said "Im not keeping this thing. I dont like babys"<br> 1.I was deeply upset because I just hate people liked that. I understand giving babys up for adoption because you feel like your not ready, money issues ect. But never have i seen because you dont like babies<br> 2.Who on earth tells a student that?!


  • While it's nice to see someone interested in adoption, I doubt you'll find a set of identical twin infants for adoption. Not saying it's impossible, but it's unlikely. Also, something that tends to be overlooked is how difficult the adoption process is. It's very expensive in most cases, and can take quite a long time. You and your partner, your homelife, and your living environment have to be evaluated before an adoption agency will allow you to adopt a child. Most children available for domestic adoption aren't babies, they are older children. There is also quite a risk of disappointment, if you grow attached to a child, and the birth mother decides not to give him/her up for adoption after all. Even with children whose birth parents no longer have rights there can still be legal issues preventing you from adopting, even if you've fostered the child. My sister tried to adopt a few times, and various things kept her from being able to (worries over her marital state, birth mother deciding to keep the child, the difficulty of getting a foreign government to allow an adoption, etc.).<br><br><br>here is some information on adoption<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... pting.html</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rview.html</a>
  • I love babies! I help out in my church's nursery all the time (Where kids 5 and under are cared for while the parents attend church, toddlers don't like to sit through services,) and I almost always work with the infants. I think of myself as quite knowledgable when it comes to infants, I know more than some adults. And I just love taking care of them, whenever I can I always ask to hold them if I know the parents well enough. My voice teacher is pregnant and I'm so anxious to find out the gender and see what she names it! She already has an adorable 2 year old girl. '<br><br>As for adopting, before my mom was born her parents were going to adopt a baby boy. The day before the adoption, the birth mother changed her mind. Also, my Great Grandma fostered a little girl that she wanted to adopt, but she was taken away by the social worker. Someone my mom works with adopted a newborn, and 1 week after they took her home, the birth mother wanted her back. And, my best friend's parents were adopting a little boy, but were turned down last minute because my friend's mom previously had cancer. So, I'm really not trying to discouarge you, these are just true stories of my family and friends' experiences. I think it would be awesome to adopt a child in need, but like Trianna said, it takes a long, long time. Anyways, I'm sure that's a long way off. Sorry for the depressing stories!<br><br>She really said that? Are you sure she wasn't joking with you? If not, that's terrible. Bad enough that she didn't want the baby, but to say that to a student? My mom lost a few babies before they were born, and she wanted more than anything to have kids. It's so sad how people that hate kids have them, and some people that love them can't. <br><br>PS- I want 5 kids someday, named Aubrielle, Raine, Mason, Noah, and Caleb!!!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Trianna wrote:
    While it's nice to see someone interested in adoption, I doubt you'll find a set of identical twin infants for adoption. Not saying it's impossible, but it's unlikely. Also, something that tends to be overlooked is how difficult the adoption process is. It's very expensive in most cases, and can take quite a long time. You and your partner, your homelife, and your living environment have to be evaluated before an adoption agency will allow you to adopt a child. Most children available for domestic adoption aren't babies, they are older children. There is also quite a risk of disappointment, if you grow attached to a child, and the birth mother decides not to give him/her up for adoption after all. Even with children whose birth parents no longer have rights there can still be legal issues preventing you from adopting, even if you've fostered the child. My sister tried to adopt a few times, and various things kept her from being able to (worries over her marital state, birth mother deciding to keep the child, the difficulty of getting a foreign government to allow an adoption, etc.).<br><br><br>here is some information on adoption<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... pting.html</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... rview.html</a>
    <br><br> Thanks for the sites, I will deffitnly be reading those. Ive considerd all of this, seen storys, and stuff, and it does make me cautious, but im to young to be even THINKING of babies, heck I need to pass middle school haha. Its just a dream. Also adopting identicle twins whould be pretty hard, Id be happy with just twins. I did just see a show on life time called "One born every minute" and saw it happen with identicle twins. The mom cryed so hard, it just made me so sad/happyish.<br><br>Randomness-I used to want to be an OB, and study something where you can split the thing (once again trying not to go into detail) and cause identicle twins with a procudre but that whould just mess up the baby. Naturally, when it splits its fine, but if you do it your self, you chould cut off materile needed. Im no doctor but it just seems unnatrual.
  • I love babies! I help out in my church's nursery all the time (Where kids 5 and under are cared for while the parents attend church, toddlers don't like to sit through services,) and I almost always work with the infants. I think of myself as quite knowledgable when it comes to infants, I know more than some adults. And I just love taking care of them, whenever I can I always ask to hold them if I know the parents well enough. My voice teacher is pregnant and I'm so anxious to find out the gender and see what she names it! She already has an adorable 2 year old girl. '<br><br>As for adopting, before my mom was born her parents were going to adopt a baby boy. The day before the adoption, the birth mother changed her mind. Also, my Great Grandma fostered a little girl that she wanted to adopt, but she was taken away by the social worker. Someone my mom works with adopted a newborn, and 1 week after they took her home, the birth mother wanted her back. And, my best friend's parents were adopting a little boy, but were turned down last minute because my friend's mom previously had cancer. So, I'm really not trying to discouarge you, these are just true stories of my family and friends' experiences. I think it would be awesome to adopt a child in need, but like Trianna said, it takes a long, long time. Anyways, I'm sure that's a long way off. Sorry for the depressing stories!<br><br>She really said that? Are you sure she wasn't joking with you? If not, that's terrible. Bad enough that she didn't want the baby, but to say that to a student? My mom lost a few babies before they were born, and she wanted more than anything to have kids. It's so sad how people that hate kids have them, and some people that love them can't. <br><br>PS- I want 5 kids someday, named Aubrielle, Raine, Mason, Noah, and Caleb!!!
    <br><br> She was for sure not kidding. I love the names! I want at LEAST two kids, I'd be happy with that, but I could live with like 8 haha. My favorite names are Elanor, Mason (yay we share) Noah (we share again) Joshua, Charlotee, Emerie, Victoria, Esther, Renee,And madeline. <br><br> I want to foster babys as well.
  • I could never foster a child. I would be way too sad to give them up
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I just got done reading an article about that not to long ago. I can't imagine having not one, but two sets of identical twins at the same time. It would be hard, but probably well worth it at the same time. I can't believe your teacher would say that to you. If thats really how she feels about it then she should keep it to herself, not go telling her students that. Some people...<br><br>I will be 21 at the end of May, I have a son. He wasn't planned, but we love him to pieces. He was actually born on my birthday. Its a birthday I will never forget. But we never once considered abortion (what a heartless thing to do) or adoption. I have nothing against women who give their babies up for adoption, heck, in a way I admire them. It would take a lot of strength and will power to give up your child for adoption. And with abortion, I think its ok in some cases, like if having the baby would endanger the mother or the babies life, but never just because you don't want the baby. If you don't want your baby then give it to somebody who can't have kids but is dying to have one, you know? Anyway, thats just my thoughts on it. By the way, you're right. You are way to young to be thinking of having kids if you're still in middle school! Sorry, must be the mommy instincts in me. lol Let me tell you, everything changes after having kids. Life gets so much harder, but its all worth it. I admire you for wanting to adopt kids, and one day I believe you will be able to. But for now, just stick to your school work, ok? To many teens and even pre teens are getting pregnant these days. There goes that mommy voice again...sorry. lol
  • gemini2011 wrote:
    lol Let me tell you, everything changes after having kids. Life gets so much harder, but its all worth it.
    <br><br>I have to agree. My daughter Marley just turned on the 11th, and seeing her get her birthday cake all over her face, and those huge smiles, it's stuff like that that made my extremely difficult pregnancy sooo worth it. Having her here, happy and healthy, makes me pretty much forget about the fact that my pregnancy almost killed me. lol
  • Sounds to me like she mightve had kids and something mightve happened to them. This of it like this... a lady is pregnant with say... twins... she's soo excited to have these babies... theyre born, beautiful and whole. Then both get SIDS and die. Think of how crushing that would be. Not only one but two?! Who would want to go through that again. Maybe she had some kids and something happened to them and she couldnt stand how it felt to be reminded of them when you asked. Maybe she's afraid her baby now will die too and she doesnt want to keep it because she doesnt want to go through that pain again. Just a thought. *shrugs*
  • Sounds to me like she mightve had kids and something mightve happened to them. This of it like this... a lady is pregnant with say... twins... she's soo excited to have these babies... theyre born, beautiful and whole. Then both get SIDS and die. Think of how crushing that would be. Not only one but two?! Who would want to go through that again. Maybe she had some kids and something happened to them and she couldnt stand how it felt to be reminded of them when you asked. Maybe she's afraid her baby now will die too and she doesnt want to keep it because she doesnt want to go through that pain again. Just a thought. *shrugs*
    <br> <br> Possible, but unlikely. Shes gotta be still around 20. But mabey as a teen? Mhm, who knows.
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