Dwarfism in animals is a very bad thing. It may "look cute", but it leads to a lot of health problems. <br><br>reported symptoms of dwarf cats: <br> * Severe growth retardation causing bones to become misshapen and soft.<br> * Slowing rate of muscle mass growth. Causing weakness and a possibility of decreased use of limbs.<br> * Heart murmurs and enlarged heart.<br> * Seizures and other neurological problems, possibly causing blindness.<br> * Soft spot in top of skull, leaving cat susceptible to major head trauma.<br> * Misshapen jaw and bowed legs.<br> * Shortened lifespans<br> * Undeveloped or malformed reproductive organs<br><br>I would assume the same sort of thing goes for dogs, also. The really sad thing is that dwarf cats are bred on purpose, because they "look cute", even though they have these health problems, and dwarf dogs and their offspring are still allowed to be in breeding registries, increasing the likelihood of more of them being produced.