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Stop being such a jerk!!!

edited May 2011 in Vent
I love life!!!! <br>No matter what has happened and how bad things get I LOVE life! <br><br>But I know some people that aren't to sure,and well...I'm friends with some of them people. Because deep down they are good people. <br>Though they are very depressing to be around sometimes................. <br><br>BUT I'm not! I'm always smiling and laughing and enjoying myself no matter how bad things get!! <br><br>Today a kid,lets call him Steve, Told me to die!!!!! <br>He said it would make everyone happier and their life easier if I just DIED!!!!!! <br><br>I don't take things like that! But even comeing from him I wanted to cry!!! <br>One day he might just say that to the wrong person and they might actually listen to him!! <br><br><br>I mean come one!! Have a heart!!! There is more to me than just my energetic talkative pimpled face appearance!! <br>I have feelings! And when I said something about it he just acted like I was stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <br><br>Seriously! I hate people that tell people to DIE!! <br>Also,I'm more emotional latly since next week is the year after my aunts death!!!! <br><br><br>I'm not going to be in the bestest of moods!! <br><br>Please people have a heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 <br> :cry:
SmiLe :)



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