I am officially,100% sure, doing detasstling!!!!! I could get meh horsey [Gus, the paint! (; ] cause for only 2 weeks or a few days more I could get OVER $2200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!1
<br>LOL funny, the owner asked this too :P <br>its where you go and like cut off the top part on a cornstalk and it makes the seed corn better I guess LOL. nowadays they sometimes have machines do it, but where I used to live there was a field across from us that bus loads of kids would come and work on. Hard work but pays GREAT. Starts at $7.25 an hour..but they pay by the row where Im doing it so you can earn a LOT more money then other people if you work hard..you can get raises by showing up all the time, except you can skip sundays for church, and working hard,etc.
O-o i have to shell peas during summer... i hate it. ROFL
<br>LOL, I can imagine, this - I'm expecting it to be LOL its my first time here- should be fun tho but u have to wake up to be ready to leave at 5-6 AM!!! XD I said I was gonna wake up 2 hrs early and pour water on myself everyday cause you can get a raise for your good attitude XD
Here have a band-aid
Here have a band-aid
Here have a band-aid