Ear Infection :evil: <br>I got it last night, I couldn't get to sleep because I was so stuffed up, then I got to sleep to wake up at midnight and then my ear was killing me, I could NOT fall asleep whatsoever. So I took a little kids Ibuprofen (a little over 3 tablespoons) and tried putting ice on my ear, then I STILL couldn't sleep and my dad had just woken up for a few minutes too and I told him my ear was killing me so he told me to get some adults Tylenol and I took two and he also said to put a hot rag over my ear, and that worked for me to get to sleep. (never before had I swallowed 1 pill! :P) <br>So I woke up this morning and my ear was like ringing really bad and I couldn't get it to stop, and it turned out there (might be a little disgusting but..) was dried blood (only a little) when I was using a cutip. So yeah, my dad said if my ear is still bad tomorrow he will call the doctor and Im gonna go get some meds (pray for me! XD I hate going to the doctor,dentist,etc :P) and I can choose 1 of the 3 doctors XD there are 2 guys and a girl, I think Ima skip our regular guy and go to the girl. My ear is fine, but I could barely sing in church cause I couldn't hear myself very well and it sounds weird when I or someone else talks lol. Any ideas?<br>Instead of cookies for reading all this I'll give you Peanut Butter Balls XD (yummmmyyyy!! XD)
Keith Urban!
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