Weather is nice for the first time in weeks, but I feel like there's nothing to do outside! I don't play sports and all the dog agility stuff is at my old house. Don't feel like gardening....what to do? Suggestions?
hook your dog up to a harness and have her pull your truck/car...that's what Im gonna be doing in exactlly 30 minutes with Bully and Laru. xD As soon as they stop fighting over who puts the harness on first.
LaLa (my female Tosa) can only pull the car plus another maybe, 500 pounds..she weighs 95 pounds..<br><br>Bully (the male) can pull the truck plus two cars.. he weighs 233 pounds. <br><br>This is just fun for them. You can't just hook up any old dog without training it for like, years! The dog would panick and then try to pull and then have a heart attack. lol <br><br>Luvy, you should do some other kind of activity with your babies today if you're bored..labs are smart, they can learn lots of new stuff xD, Laru learned how to get me what I wanted from the fridge in like, ten minutes. : )
oh i know! take her to a dog park, on nice days dog parks are packed with dogs she can play with : )<br>Getting old?? bleh..that would make me sad too. My dog died just last year. he was 17. Thats my worst fear..losing one of my dog children : ( :shock:
Haha thats awesome! Miley was, I would say, probably 75-80 lb. but she was RIDICOUSLY (sp? XD) strong. She was a Black Lab/Great Pyrenees mix
<br><br>The husky I found is only around 70 pounds..and she DRAGS me down the street for walks..I really need to get to training her, she's stronger then me!
awh What kind was he? Miley and her puppy were 3-5 yrs and 5-6 months when they got hit by cars <br>HAHAHAAHHAAA thats what Miley was like only she would do that to me LOL. She was a real GUARD dog XD
Well, not that old. Oldest one's gonna be 8 this summer. My agility girl is gonna be 6 or 7. Sorry about your doggy...last time I lost a dog I was only like 6, so this is gonna be super hard when one of my babies die.
He was a pitbull mix. Absolutely the best guard dog I have ever owned. This guy was trying to get into the house, so I let Bulla (the dog) out and he snuck around the back of the house to where the guy was and took his whole calf off! The guy stopped irritating us after that. And once we put up a sign that said to stay out of our yard, and some weird crazy person tried to come into our garage to rob us..Bulla rushed out of the garage and did some serious damage, we had to call an ambulance for the guy that was trying to hurt us :evil: . Bulla was punched in the eyes by the robber though, and he went blind not to long after that. And even when he was blind...he was the BEST guard dog, it was amazing how he gaurded the children still. LOL.<br><br>Sorry...once I get started talking about that dog its hard to stop..he was my baby : (
Well, not that old. Oldest one's gonna be 8 this summer. My agility girl is gonna be 6 or 7. Sorry about your doggy...last time I lost a dog I was only like 6, so this is gonna be super hard when one of my babies die.
<br><br>ugh..I can only imagine. Don't think about it though, just focusing on the good times makes it easier.. it sucks how fast time goes by with a dog you love though..I wish they lived for 65 years like those weird parrot bird things xD
He was a pitbull mix. Absolutely the best guard dog I have ever owned. This guy was trying to get into the house, so I let Bulla (the dog) out and he snuck around the back of the house to where the guy was and took his whole calf off! The guy stopped irritating us after that. And once we put up a sign that said to stay out of our yard, and some weird crazy person tried to come into our garage to rob us..Bulla rushed out of the garage and did some serious damage, we had to call an ambulance for the guy that was trying to hurt us :evil: . Bulla was punched in the eyes by the robber though, and he went blind not to long after that. And even when he was blind...he was the BEST guard dog, it was amazing how he gaurded the children still. LOL.<br><br>Sorry...once I get started talking about that dog its hard to stop..he was my baby : (
<br>Aww! Thats so sweet! I pitties and pit mixes :P
Me too. Never got a Pit after that though. I can't stand looking at them, makes me want to cry. I can't stand looking at old dogs either now, they definitely tear me up, they all just have that face, like they've been defeated or something...especially when you see them at the pound. <br><br>I only have Tosa Bulls and Bull Mastiffs and French Mastiffs now...basically, MASTIFFS. xD<br><br>What kind of dog do you have? <br><br>Oh and another idea luv...take your dog to pet co!! lol, my dogs scream and whine whenever we pass by a pet co. When I let them in they immediately run to the toy section and pick out a toy, then walk to the cashier. It's hilarious, they're like little people. And they're big enough to reach up and put the toy they want on the counter without having to stand. PET CO! PET CO! PET CO!! Do it!! xD
Me too. Never got a Pit after that though. I can't stand looking at them, makes me want to cry. I can't stand looking at old dogs either now, they definitely tear me up, they all just have that face, like they've been defeated or something...especially when you see them at the pound. <br><br>I only have Tosa Bulls and Bull Mastiffs and French Mastiffs now...basically, MASTIFFS. xD<br><br>What kind of dog do you have? <br><br>Oh and another idea luv...take your dog to pet co!! lol, my dogs scream and whine whenever we pass by a pet co. When I let them in they immediately run to the toy section and pick out a toy, then walk to the cashier. It's hilarious, they're like little people. And they're big enough to reach up and put the toy they want on the counter without having to stand. PET CO! PET CO! PET CO!! Do it!! xD
<br>Awh, I know what you mean, theres this one song that was like Miley and Skidloaders theme (LOL I know its weird but I ALWAYs used it for like videos or whatever of them) and I start crying just listening to it. <br>Tehe nice.<br>Me? I have a puppeh (Magnum, I names like Magnum,Skidloader,etc LOL I didnt name Miley or I would have named her somethin like that too.) thats a Blue Heeler/German Shepherd/Lab/Chow Chow LOL. then my sister has Magnums sister and my other sister has a Registered Lazy (not AKC,shes registered for being lazy XD JK) Chocolate Lab.<br>LOL thats funny!
I love petco!! I should take them there sometime, that would be awesome.
<br><br>Sometime? Do it now!! lol, they've never been?? It's a store MADE for them for goodness sakes!! :shock:
<br>No, never. I don't usually take them to pet stores. But petco is awesome. Problem with toys for my dogs is they rip them apart within 10minutes. I need really strong toys
Mysty..thats A LOT of mixes..<br><br>The biggest mix I ever had was a sharpei pitbull chow chow mix..and he might have had some heeler in him..I'm not to sure, he looked more bully then shepherd. He was my moms baby...then he died when he was 12 because he ate a toad and my stupid step dad saw but "forgot" to mention it. My mother was torn up for weeks. That dog was her own personal protection and he watched over me when I was a baby. It's amazing what dogs can influence you to do, because my mom left my step dad because of that :shock: lol
Yeah LOL all I've ever had were last dog was a mix of Great Pyrenees and Lab *I think* but I was told he was pure Pyrenees, and I got him cuz I wanted a purebred. XD
I love petco!! I should take them there sometime, that would be awesome.
<br><br>Sometime? Do it now!! lol, they've never been?? It's a store MADE for them for goodness sakes!! :shock:
<br>No, never. I don't usually take them to pet stores. But petco is awesome. Problem with toys for my dogs is they rip them apart within 10minutes. I need really strong toys
<br><br>I can totally relate to this. You can only imagine what a 200 pound dog will do to a squeek toy, he ruins those things in a minute. I got Bully a KONG (you know, the "indestructible" ones), and he ate that thing within the hour. I marched back to the store and they told me they had no idea how he had ruined it, and they gave me my twenty dollars back. lol. Then they proceeded to do tests on the kong..(hitting it with a hammer, burning it..stuff like that).. and NOTHING could destroy it. But what can I say, Bully was chained up outside once and he broke his chain and RIPPED APART a choke collar made out of iron. He's probably some kind of mutant alien dog sent to make my life hard. lol.<br><br>Get your dogs the kong and put peanut butter in it uncles GSD can't rip it apart I'm sure your dogs (if they dont get bored easily) will have a blast with it and not destroy it and waste your money.
Yeah LOL all I've ever had were last dog was a mix of Great Pyrenees and Lab *I think* but I was told he was pure Pyrenees, and I got him cuz I wanted a purebred. XD
<br><br>I've always had a thing for owning ONLY purebreds..but as soon as I got my first mutt it was over..mutts can be the best dogs.
HAHAHAAHHAHA thats funny!!!!!<br>LOL yeah, Im thinkin I want to find another female Great Pyrenees/Lab and a purebred Pyrenees for my next dogs then maybe a Pittie
HAHAHAAHHAHA thats funny!!!!!<br>LOL yeah, Im thinkin I want to find another female Great Pyrenees/Lab and a purebred Pyrenees for my next dogs then maybe a Pittie
<br><br>Once you get a can't stop right?? lol, I've had so many and I've wanted to buy so many that I just became a foster. Now I have experience with all types of breeds of dogs and I don't have to keep them. xD
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