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Thanks for Everything

I know this is supposed to be in the praise board, but I don’t think that part of the forums is seen enough to honor this post. <br><br> I want to thank everyone and everything about VP and who play it.<br><br> I have officially quit the site and am grateful to move on, but also thankful for everything because it has helped me grow up.<br><br>When I first joined VP, I was an emotional mess. I was discovering a different side of me that I couldn’t accept. I found out I had feelings for somebody after a harsh ‘break up’ thing with a guy…and the next person I fell in love with was a girl. Having that on my shoulders, I slowly descended into depression and tried taking my life. <br><br>VP was there to help me get back on my legs and walk. I know that this is probably a lot to say for a site, but it helped me all the way. <br><br>It gave me my three best friends, Evlon, Nickelback_Luver, and tarnish. I now know Nickel as Sammy and tarnish as Kaitie. <br><br> The site gave me something to focus on as I tried to trudge through all the drama my sudden realization eventually put me through from becoming social outcast, losing all the friends I had, family awkwardness, and my own pain for losing it all. <br><br> In return for all this pain and suffering, I was taught to get back on my feet. <br><br>So I want to thank Virtualpups for being there when I needed it and to give it a very official farewell. It was fun when it lasted, but it never will end in my mind.<br><br>Virtualpups gave me one thing that is irreplaceable besides a new back bone and confidence. It can me tarnish, who I call Kaitie.<br><br>For a year and almost four months, Kaitie has been my girlfriend. Somebody I see as a best friend and lifelong companion and that’s more than any site could ever give back. Virtualpups will hold a special place in my heart because it was the beginning of a relationship with one of my best friends who turned into my counterpart. <br><br>Thanks for everything. <br><br>Virtualpups, now that I see it, was more than just a site but a stepping stone in my life. <br><br>-Young_Native<br>- Young<br>-Shay
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
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