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edited April 2011 in Vent
I'm practicing a solo for band on my clarinet and every time I get to the high notes with my register key it starts to sound like a jacked up microphone!!! <br><br><br>This just sucks monkey butt!!!
SmiLe :)



  • Is your reed wet enough?? Maybe you just need a new one... OR maybe it's something worse and the ol' clari needs to be looked at : (
  • TIGHTEN YOUR UMBISHIRE!!!! And BLOW! xD ima 2nd chair out of 30 in our band xD
  • ACTUALLY, it doesn't sound like it's your reed. That's what I would tell myself when my clarinet broke because it would make me feel better. But in all actuality, my instrument was busted up.
  • Thanks everyone............... <br><br>I'm going to try it all............ <br>I'll change my reed,and I'm working on my Umbishire,but it's almost as tight as it can get.... <br>if it doesn't work I'm going to bring it to my band teacher tommorrow............ :)
    SmiLe :)

  • *Feels like a dumb blond when you talk of fancy instrument language.*<br><br>LOL, I used to play flute but quit after 2 years. I play a tiny bit of piano though...a tiny tiny bit.<br><br>My voice is my insturment.<br><br>Whoa.....I'm off topic. Good luck with your clarinet!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • thanks..... <br><br><br>It works and then it goes into a bad microphone...... <br>My mom made me stop practicing....which sucked....
    SmiLe :)

  • *Feels like a dumb blonde when I realize I spelled blonde wrong.* :x <br><br>Anyways, good luck. I know how you mom likes to make me stop singing but it never workds. I have a solo fest in 2 days and I'm super nervous!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Good Luck! <br><br>I use to be in Chorus........... <br>But I started band..... <br>I don't get nervous playing infront of people and I don't get scared to act infront of people.... <br>But singing is something I've always been afaid to do...So You are doing better than I ever could and I wish you the bestest of luck. :)
    SmiLe :)

  • I play sax.. Mine squeaked all the time. But I got a new mouthpiece and ligature and it for the most part stopped.. Anyway. Those terms are Greek to me! I know the sax terms but not those!
  • Well..emibisure is how tight your mount is aroundthe mouth peice or if you play brass.... (I'm not to sure what its called)
    SmiLe :)

  • Same with me. Acting is fine. Singing is really scary but I always get through it...
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
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