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Drama is getting serious......worried about friend

edited April 2011 in Vent
Of all days for the school counslor not to be here. :roll: <br><br>So, if you read one of my old vents you would know that I have a friend with some...issues. Let's call her Anne. Basically, she has family problems, some of which I know about and some of which I don't. On top of that, Anne "hates" the school, hates everything about it. She says she wants to move to where her friend lives, because she thinks moving will make all her problems go away. This has been going on for months. 2 months ago another friend brought her to see the school counslor, let's call her Miss T. Apparently it went fairly well, she phoned her dad to tell him what was going on and scheduled a follow up appoitment. <br><br>As luck would have it, Anne got hit in the head with a basket ball on that day, and ended up going home sick. Did I mention she's missed half the school year? "I had a sore throat. I had a fever. I had a minor concussion from getting hit in the head with a basket ball."<br><br>Yeah, you could have some bad luck but no one gets sick every week. It's obvious she's faking it. My other friend, let's call her Ali, is tired of this. She's tired of the complaining. One minute Anne is laughing and joking, the next she's crying and saying how terrible her life is. Today the drama hit an all time low, at least the lowest low I've seen.<br><br>Ali and Anne and I all arrived at lunch and sat down. Someone else came along and said "So and so is sitting here today, I need that seat so move please." Anne, tired and annoyed didn't want to move, she had gotten there first. They stood there for ages, waiting for someone to move but Anne refused. Then the other girl stomped off to sit at another table, after calling Anne a ______. <br><br><br>That triggered a bad reaction from Anne. Suddenly she got quiet and asked someone else if they'd go to the counslor with her later. Really, well I'd been nagging Anne about speaking with Miss T. for weeks now. "Oh no, I don't want to talk to Miss T. Talking with my friends seems to be helping" Really, for me it seems to be getting worse. So, I was happy that she was ready to do something about this, and I offered to go with her. She agreed. <br><br>Then she started crying and saying how her friend wanted to kill himself over the weekend. Why? "Because he has a sucky life too!" She even admitted she sometimes wanted to "jump off a balcony." That worried me, and Ali and I decided we were taking her to see Miss T. right away. She didn't want to miss math so she decided not to come. We didn't care. We have had enough of this and we were going to talk to Miss T. As luck would have it, Miss T. was at a funeral. The office lady asked if it could wait until tomorrow, and we reluctantly agreed. I kind of wish we would have said no now. It's been worrying me. I didn't realize the problem was so serious.<br><br>We will be meeting with Miss T. tomorrow, along with another classmate. Anne wasn't mad that we went down there, thankfully. I'm going to talk to Anne tonight. I just hope that she's mom's a social worker for disabled adults, and my dad runs a ministry at our church, so helping people is in my blood. I can't stop worrying. One minute I'm like "This is really, really serious." The next minute she's laughing and I'm like "Is she just doing this to get attention?" I have a long list of things I plan to address tomorrow. On top of her depressed mood and missing school, she also doesn't each lunch or breakfast, even when she's hungry. <br><br>This has been going on for far too long and I'm ready for it to end. Ali and I are going to the counslor tomorrow no matter what Anne says.
Goals: 13/50million VPC


  • Ugh. She wont reply to any of my messages! I'm so worried.....
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • A little update...<br>We talked to the counslor today. When "Anne" found out she was really mad. When the counslor called her in she was even more mad. She was crying and saying she now had to talk to her dad and have him call the counslor. She said she is mad at us and can't trust us anymore. My friend and I don't care. If you tell someone that, you can't expect them to not do anything. We were only trying to help her and I just hope she can understand one day.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Wow. Thats deep! I hate drama. I try to avoid it at all costs, but in this case I guess you couldn't.<br>She sounds like she has problems but she also sounds like she is spoiled and she just acts that way to get attention. <br>I admit I have wanted to move closer to the Sand Hills but not because I think it'll solve anything. She should grow up and realize who her friends are and that shes hurting them. <br>I don't mean to be mean talking about her but.. :) Something needs to be done about her.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yay! She's not mad anymore!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Thats great!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • See, it all worked out :lol:
  • I know! I said hi to her and asked if she was mad and she said no and hugged me.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
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