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Introducing....Daisy Duke..

A couple months ago, my fiance and I were driving down the highway, and to our surprise we saw a dog running in the middle of traffic. Terrified for her life we got her off to the side, and slowed down traffic and finally got her into our car. Skin-and-bone and scared to death. We later figured out that she was actually left/dropped off there to die, or whatever. Being as we are we kept her, spoil her and now shes a perky young girl =]<br><br>so introducing...Daisy..(duke, as my mother in law calls her)<br>Shes a beagle roughly a couple years old IF THAT.<br>And boy is she a pain in the butt -.-<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


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