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Zyndalee's vent

edited April 2011 in Vent
Saw a dog last week. EXTREMELY SKINNY. Took a closer look and could tell that she had puppies. Looked over the owner's fence, saw six deceased pups and two barely breathing. Called the humane society. They went over, picked up the bodies, took the two barely living pups..and left the mother there because apparently, they had no room at the shelter. WTH is wrong with this place?? I checked the house..the house is abandoned. No furniture inside, no cars, no people..period. <br><br>TOOK the dog. Have her now, she's staring at me. I wrapped her in a heated blanket after giving her a bathe and some food/water.. it was FREEZING outside, and she was obviously close to death, so there's my justification for taking her.. she was also COVERED in matts and her own feces. They would've let her die there, that's how sick these people are, they even TOLD me they weren't going back for her.<br><br>Was I wrong for taking her? <br>Yep. I'd assume that's against the law. Or is it?? If she was abandoned TECHNICALLY she's a stray right??<br>I called the cops, they told me to keep her until "further notice"..<br><br>Those people obviously abandoned her, the cops left a notice on the house's door a WEEK ago. <br>Bleh...MY dog now.


  • That's terrible! Are you going to try and keep her or give her to the shelter?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Oh, good job! I'd have done the exact same thing. Just take care of her until you can find her a home, unless you're going to keep her. Thank goodness for people like you. Sometimes shelters/ASPCAs, etc. just don't have room, but it does NOT justify why they would leave the mother there and only take the pups. They could've at least taken her, bathed and fed her, and found someone to look after her or another dog until they had room. Heck, an employee there could probably take her home until she found a real family.<br><br>I hope the rest of the puppies RIP, people really are just careless, cruel, and sick.
  • That's completely rediculous that they left her there! They could've contacted a rescue group.
  • Thats horriable HELLOOOOO it's called a crate ya you put the dog in it and take it out to go pee like every hour or so till you find a foster I would have took the puppies from the people to because they probably arnt going to do as much as they should for the poor dog I hope the two pups are ok and man Zyndalee your picking up dogs left and right this one that pit bull you found and posted in your tosa inu one and that tosa inu puppy you want bu poor little girl I would keep her if ya can and foster till she is better it makes me so mad when people start a rescue and then badly rescue dogs like what is the point
  • AWW! :( Im glad you took her!!!!!! What breed is she?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yeah...the place I'm visiting now actually has A LOT of animal cruelty cases that I could report..and I do, but most of the time they tell me they don't have room or that they'll get to it..but they never do. She's a brown and white husky, she has blue eyes. I'm already attached to her so I'm thinking about keeping her. She's already fattened up a bit, and she looks normal now. But not really normal, she's GORGEOUS. I don't know what the people were thinking when they abandoned her, she looks like a show dog. O.O or maybe that's just how I'am..none of my dogs are just normal stay at home dogs, they all participate in something. I'm thinking I should put her in competition too, maybe it will help her to heal emotionally, I just need to find the sport she loves most.<br><br>The only problem I have right now is that I'm the only one that can go near her. She'll jump up and yelp when I come home because she's so excited, but if someone walks through the door after me she stops being excited and starts growling, she's even tried to attack my boyfriend just because he playfully pushed me onto the couch. Clearly she has issues, she's overly protective of me and suspicious of everyone except me, but I guess that she has reason to be. I'm working with her now, two of my dogs had worse problems when I got them, so I know I can train this dog. My friends say I can train ANY dog, that would be helpful, but what do they know?? They don't even have dogs.. heh. <br><br>Oh any by the way..her new name is <span style="color:#4040FF">Baby</span>, short for Baby Blue because of her eyes..she responds to her name very well and comes whenever I call her. It's like she's relieved that she has a NEW name, and that her past is gone. Oh and about the PitBull I was "given", I found him a new home with my cousins. I know he'll be spoiled silly with them xD
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Yeah...the place I'm visiting now actually has A LOT of animal cruelty cases that I could report..and I do, but most of the time they tell me they don't have room or that they'll get to it..but they never do. She's a brown and white husky, she has blue eyes. I'm already attached to her so I'm thinking about keeping her. She's already fattened up a bit, and she looks normal now. But not really normal, she's GORGEOUS. I don't know what the people were thinking when they abandoned her, she looks like a show dog. O.O or maybe that's just how I'am..none of my dogs are just normal stay at home dogs, they all participate in something. I'm thinking I should put her in competition too, maybe it will help her to heal emotionally, I just need to find the sport she loves most.<br><br>The only problem I have right now is that I'm the only one that can go near her. She'll jump up and yelp when I come home because she's so excited, but if someone walks through the door after me she stops being excited and starts growling, she's even tried to attack my boyfriend just because he playfully pushed me onto the couch. Clearly she has issues, she's overly protective of me and suspicious of everyone except me, but I guess that she has reason to be. I'm working with her now, two of my dogs had worse problems when I got them, so I know I can train this dog. My friends say I can train ANY dog, that would be helpful, but what do they know?? They don't even have dogs.. heh. <br><br>Oh any by the way..her new name is <span style="color:#4040FF">Baby</span>, short for Baby Blue because of her eyes..she responds to her name very well and comes whenever I call her. It's like she's relieved that she has a NEW name, and that her past is gone. Oh and about the PitBull I was "given", I found him a new home with my cousins. I know he'll be spoiled silly with them xD
    <br><br><br>That's terrific! I hope she continues to improve and you can train her properly. It's excellent that there are good people like you to help animals in need. If you could post a picture or two, that would be awesome. I'd love to see just how pretty she is!
  • I've been trying to get a good picture of her ever since she healed and didn't look grose. But it's hard when I put the camara near her face to try to get a good shot of her eyes and she snaps at the camera or runs away from it. When I take a picture of her I need to talk to her, and tell her it's alright. She'll stay put if she's assured it's me controlling the camera, but she wont stop shivering, she's terrified of anything electronic except for the TV! In all of her pictures it looks like I just beat her or something because she looks so scared. I hate putting her through that. I tried to take some long distance shots of her but that's almost impossible when she wont go anywhere unless its with me, and she's always glued to my side...she wont even go outside to pee unless I'm right there with her. BUT, we had a break through today, she heard something upstairs and ran up there without me, she stayed up there without me for atleast six minutes before realizing that I wasn't with her and started panicking. Still, it's progress... she actually unglued from my side. I'm working on it.
  • awww how cute hehe if it helps emme is more skittish and so what i do and it actully speeds up trick training is a to have a party like she just won the lottery or like she was the one who nvented the light bulb i dont no and how bout agility... come on you no you want to or frisbee or flyball or even rall-o or obedience because she said she sticks to you like glue the only thing is there is a judge
  • I NO FREE STYLE DANCING :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: yup i no im a guineas
  • I was thinking about trying out agility. Heck, if I can train a 175 pound mastiff in agility AND win, then a husky should be no problem. But like I said, I think the dancing thing is Stupid...with a capital S. :roll:
  • Lol why I think it looks easy just some spins, glorified heeling and some leg weaving maybe
  • Thats not even a sport.
  • OH MY GOODNESS...<br><br>you would not even believe what happened today...<br><br>ANOTHER DOG.<br><br>A black Lab.<br><br>WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS STUPID PLACE!!!
  • HOLY COW!!!!! Well now you fan do dock jumpin too! But WOW your like a dog in need magnet
  • I'm not keeping him!! I took him to a local animal shelter and they told me they would inform me of what happens to him. They aren't allowed to put him to sleep, and will call me when they can no longer help him.
  • You're not keeping the lab, but you're keeping the husky...right?<br><br>Sorry, I just got confused. I wish animal control would do their job.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Yeah, I always had a thing for huskies..Labs were never my prefered breed. The husky just wiggled her way into my heart somehow, usually I don't keep the dogs I find I just get them new homes. When I found the Lab he was covered in ticks and was way too skinny. He looks better now, hopefully he'll find someone to adopt him and a good home. If not, I'll pick him up from the shelter before he reaches his dead line... and hopefully I'll find him somewhere nice to stay.<br><br>It's unbelieveable how much Black Labs and Golden Retrievers over populate this place. Like, there's one in EVERY yard, it's crazy. The husky is the ONLY dog I own that doesn't weigh over 200 pounds and isn't a Bully or Mastiff breed, I would have never thought of actually getting a dog like her before. She's just a special puppy I guess. xD
  • Yeah, I always had a thing for huskies..Labs were never my prefered breed. The husky just wiggled her way into my heart somehow, usually I don't keep the dogs I find I just get them new homes. When I found the Lab he was covered in ticks and was way too skinny. He looks better now, hopefully he'll find someone to adopt him and a good home. If not, I'll pick him up from the shelter before he reaches his dead line... and hopefully I'll find him somewhere nice to stay.<br><br>It's unbelieveable how much Black Labs and Golden Retrievers over populate this place. Like, there's one in EVERY yard, it's crazy. The husky is the ONLY dog I own that doesn't weigh over 200 pounds and isn't a Bully or Mastiff breed, I would have never thought of actually getting a dog like her before. She's just a special puppy I guess. xD
  • Sorry....double posted. I think it's stupid that when we post on VENT threads we can't edit them. : /
  • Lol I love that ya she's tiny like under 200 pounds<br><br>And I agree labs and goldens get WAY to much credit for doing nothing. Can they think and herd like a border collie, can they protect like a mastiff or Dobbie, can they pull sleds on terrain trucks can't come within miles of like huskies, heck they cant even fish as good as a poodle.<br><br>All you see is people gettting thease dogs that are great because they are "registered with the akc". Woo Hoo so are half the dogs in the country and people get them as house dogs and don't do anything with them so they balloon up. I once knew one that they tried to do agility with but when the dog went on the dogwalk the middle plank bent way down and they could only get the dog to move for bread like white wonder bread and the dog would get a slice for doing a part of the course so like 3 obstacles and it sickened me
  • lol...<br><br>Em labs can be amazing dogs when trained. ANY dog can be amazing when trained. Granted, they are a little over populated here and they get a lot of credit for being the best family dogs when they only end up in shelters (sad, but true where I live).. people that want to own them just need to know the breed, they are extremely smart and amazing in certain competitions. They just aren't my choice of breed because I prefer tough, bully looking breeds. Point is, to each his own.
  • Ya I guess but my point is they get alot and do nothing as far as acseling in sports ya they can do good but they arnt the best in anything<br>Agility: Border Collie<br>Obedience: Anybody but there is alot of border collies<br>Rally-o: again anybody but lots if border collies<br>Shutzhund: German sheperds<br>Weght pulling: big bully breeds<br>Flyball: border collie<br>Conformation: poodle<br>Cainine freestyle: you deemed it not a sport<br>Dock jumping: longest jump was done by a greyhound mix<br>Racing: greyhound or whippit<br>Triball: border collie<br><br>I can't think of others but I still think it's dumb that they are ogled over for fetching a stick and taking a hike while other breeds are saving whole populations by transporting medicine or bringing sheep back to a Shepard or protecting livestock from wolves and I no any dog can be a great dog with the right breeding and training but I still say that they get to much credit for doing nothing
  • It doesn't really matter what breed for Conformation, the dog or bitch that is the best example of his or her breed will do better. Poodles have the same chance as any other breed recognized by a kennel club. There are some sports that any breed can do, and some sports, maybe not. Like herding, herding breeds are gonna succeed and your Chihuahua might not. Or in Racing, only certain breeds can. But in Agility, or other sports, if the dog can be trained for it, the dog can do it, but they may or may not be good at it. Really, breeds don't matter. Labs are search and rescue dogs, seeing eye dogs, etc. They help people, and they are one of the best breeds to do so. They are fantastic family dogs as well. Don't blame the breed for being overweight, blame the owner! Don't blame the breed for having health problems, blame the breeder!
  • Emmezoe, reading your post made me kind of mad....Labs are my all time favorite breed. They are ranked as the 7th smartest dog breed, and Golden's are ranked the 4th. <br><br>Labs are highly intelligent. They are one of the best swimmers and are wonderful at dock jumping. If you could see my lab run and jump off the dock into the lake to retrieve something, swimming at top speed maybe it would change your mind. I also do agility with my Labs and you should see my girl jump. Labs are also one of, if not <span style="text-decoration:underline">the most</span> common seeing eye dogs and rescue dogs. They also make wonderful therapy dogs. Labs are also good hunters and the best retrievers, in fact they were first bred to retrieve fishing nets. Hmm, <span style="text-decoration:underline">they are useful!</span><br><br>Labs CAN protect people and one of mine would be a very good guard dog if we had trained her to be. She is always on alert and barks if someone comes into the yard. Then we ask her to stop and <span style="text-decoration:underline">she stops</span>! See, she is smart! Labs are also fairly fast, watch my girl run for the tennis ball and you'll understand. And if that still doesn't convince you, Labs are wonderful family dogs and tolerante of children. Sounds like a pretty good dog to me.<br><br>Just sayin', maybe you should think before critizing a dog breed. Just because a dog isn't the best at a competition, or isn't the smartest in the world, does not mean they are useless. Come meet my dogs and we'll change your mind about Labs.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • To everyone...LIKE I SAID: To each his own! <br>We all have our favorite breeds. <br><br>Tosa Bulls are my all time favorite breed, if someone starting bashing on them for no particular reason I would be mad to, so I understand where you're coming from luv.<br><br>People say that I own FAT dogs that couldn't possibly be athletic because they weigh over 200 dogs don't have an ounce of fat on them, watch my boy run, when the muscles in his legs and chest push him he can outrun a truck speeding after him..and then afterwards, he'll PULL that TRUCK in a weight pulling competition!! THEN, he'll rescue me from drowning when we're in training, AND go over jumps and through tunnels. I know for fact that my dogs would be good for ANY sport, but dogs are somewhat limited to what they were bred for and although ANY breed could do ANYTHING some breeds will be better at certain things then others. I've trained MASTIFFS with more heart then Collies in agility, and WON. I've seen seeing eye dogs and companions that were CHIHUAHUAS. I've seen a Daschund with just as much heart as a Lab, jumping off of a dock and swimming, just doing what he loves. My uncle owns a Poodle that does exceptional guarding AND herding...lets not get offended over someone else's opinion. YOU know what your dog can do, YOU know that your dog is the best. Heck, WE ALL KNOW OUR DOGS ARE THE BEST. xD<br><br>Breed bashing isn't nice. And by the way, last week when I entered my Tosa Inu "BULLY" in weight pulling, I looked to my right and saw a Yorkie pulling weights. I thought it was the cutest thing. That dog won FIRST PLACE for his weight division, and BULLY won first place for HIS weight division. My 233 pounds dog stood next to that Yorkie in the winner's circle and they got their pictures taken together as the winners. There's room for ANY AND ALL breeds in ALL competitions no matter what the sport.
  • I completly agree with you. Hopefully you didn't think I was being rude, I was just defending my favorite breed.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I completly agree with you. Hopefully you didn't think I was being rude, I was just defending my favorite breed.
    <br><br>You weren't rude AT ALL. <br><br>If someone had come on and started talking about my breed, I would have flipped a wig and probably gotten into trouble xD You know me and my explosive personality. Then, I would have descirbed the thousands of things that my dogs do that their dog can't do. xD You handled it well!!<br><br>When you talked about your girl running after a tennis ball I laughed a little because it reminded me of my Bull Mastiff and her love for those things. People think she can't run, or that she's slow because she's huge, but one time when we were at the dog park and a guy threw a tennis ball to his Aussie, my girl out ran the Aussie and a little greyhound by a mile for the dang thing. Everyone started laughing. Then, when she caught the ball she trotted back to the guy and dropped it at his feet and expected him to give her a treat because when she does stuff like that she thinks she's "the winner" and deserves a prize!! She's very competitive and has to out run everything these days. I felt bad for the other dogs, they didn't get to catch the ball after that until we left the park.<br><br>Sterotypes just don't pertain to dogs I guess, I think we can all agree that the dog species as a whole is just amazing, no matter the breed. But your dogs sound amazing Luv, I can always enjoy watching dogs in action, just doing what they were trained to do. And Emme, I already know Em is awesome.
  • I didn't mean to sound rude or mean or anything it's just ya labs can do alot I no but to me it's like border collies are the farmer who works night and day taking care of his sheep and milking his cows and goats and getting eggs from his chickens and planting cropps and basicly works 24/7 and then make nothing in retire except that people so oh ya that bills a hard worker then you see labs working in their nice little office jobs making millions doing who knows what and then having pope say oh ya that mr.bill he is the best person ever<br><br>And I do respect labs for what they do in helping the blind and deaf and disabled and such but you have to remember that's not just labs although there are lots of labs doing that it started out as boxers and now they have tons of different breeds iv even seen a shit zu in training to be one before but also saying labs are the best at dock diving isnt true as iv seen labs jump 2ft and iv seen my freinds lab jump 25ft and go to world championships but iv also seen my dog jump 20ft and my dogs sister jump 10ft I think it comes down to heart and the will to please their master and i no that Emme lives to please me and iv seen plenty of labs that way to but iv also seen plenty of labs on course just go see a I'm takin this jump oh look now a tunnel haha wee no I won't touch the yellow and just basicly ignor their owners zyndalees right to each their own <br><br>About that yorkie I didn't no they had a weight class that small? Ho much did he pull anyway? Hehe iv seen a video of a jack russle doing weight pulling
  • Oh yeah, k-9 weight pull is a sport available to ALL breeds of dog. A lot of times certain competitions will only accept pure breds to enter, but I've seen scraggly mutts comepte in "un-official" weight pulls too xD I'm not to sure how much he pulled, of course I was more focused on my boy Bully, because he was pulling at the same time. All I know is that that little dog pulled more then triple his weight...which is by itself amazing for such a tiny breed. My big boy BULLY pulled thousands though, if I may add :mrgreen: hee hee.<br><br>Border Collies are amazing, and so are labs. But that's not exactly how I would describe them. Everyone has their own opinion though. I could go on and on about how the Tosa is a magnificent breed and has qualities that no other breed has or ever could possess, but I won't do that, cause it'd be like writing a book ;) lol<br> <br>Anyway..I come home soon, I can't wait. This place is really getting to me. Just last night while it was SNOWING, I saw a Lab running up and down the street. I called him to me and gave him back to his owner this morning. *SIGH*
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