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Out with the old in with the new (friendships)

edited April 2011 in Vent
Well..... For the past for months me and my bestie who is practically like my sister have been kinda on edge. <br><br><br>Well me and my bestie,lets call her Ash got into a fight today. <br><br>For weeks I've felt like I've been being replaced by this new girl,lets call her Mary. Mary has caused MANY MANY troubles with every student since she has come to our school. And I've been telling my friend since she came here that this girl was just trouble! And she got mad at me every single time. Ive known Ash for 5 years,ever since I moved to the place where I live now,and she has known Mary for like 2 months. Shouldn't she atleast give me a chance and think about what I have been telling her? <br><br>This is just one example <br>So me and another one of my friends,who is like my closest freind other than Ash where planning to go to the mall,and I invited Ash to come. So Ash,from what I figure goes to Mary and tells her all about our plans! And pretty much invites her to come with us. So Mary comes up to me and my friend,lets call her Shell,and is like"Are you going to the mall this weekend?" I'm like..."...Yea...." And I start looking between her and Shell. Mary contniues,"Which mall are you going to I wanna come." I'm still looking at Shell for help and I say,"Well..Shell is going." And Mary replies with an attitude,"I don't care!" So I'm like,"Well..I don't know...either the ____ mall or the _____ mall(I can't state the names of the malls) And then me and Shell walk away. So Ash come up to us after me and Shell had walked away. So I'm kinda wondering how Mary knows about all our plans and why she is asking to come. So when Ash walks up to us I ask her,"Hey...Why was Mary asking to come with us? She doesn't get along with Shell and I didn't invite her to come." Ash acts all protective and defend her new best friend,"She wasn't asking to come with you,she wanted to make sure she didn't go to the same mall as us." In my head I'm saying yea right! But I let it be...even though I was still wondering why Ash would invite Mary and why Ash was pretty much replacing me. <br><br>And on the day we were going to the mall,Mary goes to the principal and tries to get Shell in trouble so she won't be able to go! (there is a back story to this to but I will write it in a bit)<br><br>Example 2 <br>Ash got moved into my drama class and so after that class I walk with her untill we get to her class,but now I can't because MARY shows up and I end up leaving and walking with other people,and Ash and Maru just continue down the hall talking as if I was never there... <br><br>Today,(there is alot about today but I will just write where the arguing started) <br>OK so in 6th period I was sitting next to Ash and beside her was a Note that said, Mary and Ash Best friends forever! And I was like can I see it? And Ash was like NO!<br> Eventually she lets me see it,so I read it....and it goes on and on about how great of friends they are! So I write Kiwi and Ash Best friends for life and all eternity (something we came up with one night while texting) And she gets all mad at me and goes to get a pencil from somebody and starts erasing it!!! <br><br><br><br>I will tell more in a minute! I'm just so mad and hurt! <br>No matter what I or any of her friends say she contines to defend Mary who has even been talking about her to!
SmiLe :)



  • I know you said you guys were friends for five years and all, but if she continues to act this way, you should just move on. She has no right to do that to you, and neither does this Mary chick. Don't let them get to you. Just shrug it off and continue with your other friends. No one ever wants to stop hanging out with the people they love, but like I said, you just don't deserve it, and obviously Ash isn't thinking of how you're feeling :/<br><br>I'm sorry Ki... I'll always be here for you! :D
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • Thankies Coco Bear..... <br><br>I tell her...If something I do is bothering tell me...Becuase your my best friend ever. <br>And the first time I brought up that I felt like I was being replaced she brought up a girl that I wasn't even friends and said she thought she was being replaced.<br><br>I said,"Ash,you could never ever be replaced! Me and___ aren't even friends,and if you felt that way you could tell me." <br><br>And I,unlike what Ash does,Never invited my old friend first. Everytime I wanted to go somewhere I never called the girl I called Ash... <br><br>But yea..... I guess so.... <br>I have more friends......I'm not as close with them as I am with Ash......................... <br><br>(and everytime I get mad at her she brings up the whole I'm moving card! Which she has used for like two years! I might be moving within the next year,but as for Ash I don't know...) <br><br>And after school I was texting her,and well...(we got in a fight over something her making up a lie because she was jeolous or whatever) <br>And I was talking about something..(not about the fight but just a person in general and how I was missing the person being how I hadn't seen Him/Her in like over a week..And Ash just kept repling with K..and I asked why she was being like that,and she sent back I don'y like you talking about ____ and I said back well I listen to you talk about ___,but fine you can be like that. <br> She said Fine then Bye and that was it....... <br><br><br>And thankies Coco bear! <span style="font-style:italic">huggies</span>
    SmiLe :)

  • Ugh. I hate the moving card. I'm moving in a few months (To live with my stupid aunt :/) and all my friends use it to their advantage.<br><br>Just do what you think is right, and don't let it get you down :D
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • Yea...It's really annoying .... <br>Another one of my besties moved this year all the way on the other of the side of the world! <br>And never once did she use the Moving Card... ( I miss her) <br><br>Thanks for the advice Coco,it helps alot. <br><br>I'm sorry Coco,if you have to you can turn the tables on them...but that would just be sinking to their level..... <br>I guess you can just spend as much time as possibe,but not let them get control of you with the Moving card... <br>I don't let Ash do that to me anymore...
    SmiLe :)

  • Hey Kiwi =)<br><br>I'm sorry to here aboout your friend, Ash. Seems to me, she's liking the new adventures with Mary. People tend to get a natural "high" off of something new and exciting and don't see the effects of what it's doing. Ash doesn't seem to notice that she's shutting you out to the extreme where it's ruining your friendship. Seems she thinks she's got it all under control. However. There's also the bit where if you feel you're being replaced and basically says Well you're moving anyway, that doesn't seem very sympathetic or like she cares..<br><br>Breaking up a multi year friendship is gonna be painful if you don't want it to end. But clearly, she no longer appreciates your company. So I say, just try to move on and do what makes you happy. Don't try to spite her by any means or purposely make her jealous, that only makes your actions worse. But seriously, over time, she'll realize what's going on. But it's up to her to come to You. You've tried talking to her, and she won't listen. So leave her be and let her deal with the consequences. Afterall, it was her choice so she has no one else to blame.<br><br>Now this isn't to say you can't be friends again in the future. Technically, you wouldn't have to break off the friendship officially at all. But again, let her come to you. Why keep trying so hard if it gets you no where? You have support, so leaving her be won't leave you alone to yourself. Just enjoy yourself and try not to worry so much about the drama =) Good luck! I wish you well, dear.
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  • That stinks ): Almost the same thing happened to me and you know, me and "her" haven't even said a word to each other in at least 2 months. I have been fine because obviously, if she hurt my feelings, why would I want to just get in another fight trying to fix it? And I have been fine just hanging with my other friend. Of course, she is? Your best friend and if you want her back, show her how you feel by forgetting about it and hanging with other friends. If she decides that she is just going to move on than that's her loss. You will be fine. (: <br><br>I hope it gets better<br><br><span style="font-size:85">*we can go hide in a corner, eat cookies and cry* (:</span>
  • Thanks Pumpkin... <br><br>It's good not ot be the only one....and thanks for the advice,its really helpful. <br><br><span style="font-size:50">Follows you into the corner with a big box of white choclate chip cookies</span> <br><br>But today got even worse......but I can't post it yea... <br>I'm kinda sad.....................
    SmiLe :)

  • You know, in my opinion, I would just move on... for your own good (:
  • Ya. <br>But the thing that made it today bad wasn't about her... <br>We had a feild trip so it was kinda funny to liten to her get mad at me and the ask why I was made at her. <br>It was another kid that was being a butt.
    SmiLe :)

  • Oh, than ignore the "butt" lol
  • LOL... <br>Thanks Pumpkin
    SmiLe :)

  • OH GREAT! <br><br>Well....Ash wasn't here today and well....I'm about (already am) sick of little miss Mary!!!! <br><br>I'm soooooooo sick and tired of her! I don't care what Ash says! Either I'm being replaced and today in was right there in front of me in pink! <br><br>So me and my friend (shell) were walking to our busses and Mary walks infront of us and on her book bag on a bright pink contrustion paper it said....... <br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Mary <br> and <br>Ash <br>BFFL</span></span> <br><br>No someone tell me I'm not being replaced because the proof is right in front of me!! <br>And Ash just lets her do it!!!!! <br>And Mary knows me and ash faught about this! So sje is just pretty much saying...<br><span style="font-style:italic">"Hey Kiwi! I am stealing your best friend and there isn't nothing you can do about it!</span> <br><br>And ASh is making up things and saying me,a girl I'll call Sally,and another girl are talking about her on the bus! <br>Which we weren't <br><br>Well me and Sally weren't. the other girl was. <br><br>That just shows who side Ash is on!
    SmiLe :)

  • Then let her go. Ash clearly doesn't care about what Mary does to you, and Mary is loving the fact that it bothers you. By letting this bother you is only kindling the flame to all this drama. True friends don't treat each other like that, so clearly, Ash no longer wishes to keep your friendship intact. Simply put, let her go.
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  • Thank you Baby. <br><br>That's what I decided to do today. <br>Me and Shelly both did.
    SmiLe :)

  • Hope things work out, dear.
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  • Thank you. <br><br>I do to..... <br><br>BUT THE THING IS! <br>ASH HAS MY HUNGER GAME BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SmiLe :)

  • Ask for em back. If it's an issue, consult her parents or the teacher. Authority is sometimes needed if you can't get through the barriers on your own.'s best if your name's in there. Otherwise you can't technically prove they're yours
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • I'll get it back tommorrow.... <br>when Ash comes back I will just simply take it back............ <br><br>she won't see it coming... :twisted: <br><br>lol
    SmiLe :)

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