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But It's Just Going To Happen AGAIN!!!

edited April 2011 in Vent
Ok so at my house, we have 5 dogs. Two big ones, three little ones. And we foster. But all our fosters are in kennels and pens. Well, my Aunt (who has something against everyone in my family except the middle child) also fosters. But, she likes to foster adult dogs, whom she <span style="text-decoration:underline">does not</span> keep in pens. This has caused problems in the past. There was Jamie, who was hit, and killed, by a car. Katarina, who killed one of Jamie's puppies. And Grey (their dog to keep) who attacked my Aussie, Willie and hurt him really bad several times. Well, now there's Bella. She is about a 50 pound Lab. And she apparentley thinks it's fun to try and kill my 12 pound Toy Fox Terrier, Callie. This has happened about 5 times total. The last time, Callie walked away with two puncture wounds on her back and one on her stomach. Yesterday, it happened again. I was inside doing homework and I hear a dog fight outside. When I get out the door, I see Callie on her back, Bella's mouth around her face and Hannah (my 85 pound Lab) trying to pull Bella off her little sister. I start screaming for my mom. My cousins (Bella's owners) and my two sisters are yelling at HANNAH!!! And my middle sister the one my aunt adores) is THROWING ROCKS AT HANNAH!!! So Callie finally gets away and goes running and Bella chases her, Hannah trying to get her away from Callie. So my mom finally gets outside and picks Callie up (luckily the only injury she had was a cut that wasn't that deep on her face) and goes over and tells my aunt that she needs to put Bella in a pen because this is just going to keep happening. Well here is how the convorsation goes:<br>Mom-Hey Bella is just going to keep getting Callie so I think it's time to put her up.<br>Aunt-Hannah ATTACKED HER though! She didn't do anything wrong!!!<br>Me-Well...what I saw was Bella's mouth on Callie and Hannah defending her sister...<br>Aunt-(snappyvoice) OK WELL, THAT'S NOT WHAT THE OTHER FIVE PEOPLE WHO WERE ACTUALLY WATCHING SAID!!!<br>Mom-(trying to not yell at her sister) Well, it doeesn't matter what she did <span style="text-decoration:underline">this time</span> she's still going to do it again. And she also chases cars. (my aunt's name) she just going to get hurt!<br>So anywho, Bella has a cut on her leg and belly where Hannah bit her. <br>I don't know who's right! What do ya'll think?!
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


  • BTW all this happened in <span style="text-decoration:underline">MY</span> yard. Bella has no business being at my house anyway.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • What do I think? I think this behavior needs to be photographed and reported to those your aunt fosters from. To be honest, because this happened in your yard with your family present, you can be held responsible for what happened with your dog. It could be turned on you saying "Well if you knew about your aunt's foster dog's past behavior, why didn't you keep your dog someplace separate or allow the dog to be there?"<br><br>I'm no expert on fostering dogs, I've never done so. But I can safetly assume what legal authority would say about that situation. Put it this way -if your aunt fostered kids (not animals) and one child was abusive and mean towards other children, would you let that child come over to play? I wouldn't think so. No if this behavior continues without your aunt taking action to correct it properly AND you suggested doing so many times over, would you not then conclude she wasn't fit to handle that child? If she does nothing about it herself and refuses your advice, would you not then go to the foster/adoption agency and ask for help?<br><br>No if many things have happened to different dogs on various occassions under your aunt's care, would you not see her as unfit to properly care for these dogs? And if that is so, why should she be allowed to continue fostering? The dogs she's caring for are in danger, dogs coming in contact with certain dogs of hers are in danger. I suggest taking photographic evidence and reporting this.
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  • Thank You. Callie wasn't ever supposed to be outside. My sisters had her and were driving around on our golfcart and she jumped of (or so they said) and Bella attacked her. I have told my mom many times we need to tell the woman in charge of the adoptions about this and that my aunt isnt' fit to handle these dogs but she says I am a "child" (which I'm not she just can't handle that I'm growing up) and I shouldn't be trying to handle this myself. But maybe I will take pictures if it happens again.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • You're welcome. Yeah, it's basically a "child's" word to an adults. In legal terms you are a minor and so many people could try to fight anything you have to say by using that as an excuse. Photographic evidence would change all of that though. Just like damage with a car, all damage needs to be photographed and information needs to be given/recieved. Anybody could easily add more damage to screw you over and make you have to pay more. Likewise, your aunt could say someone else's dog could've done the damage cuz you have no proof it was hers.<br><br>Your best bet would be photographing the event taking place (that evidence is more important in comparison), and then every would you find. In all honesty, you don't necessarily need your mom to testify for you. Any adult who witnessed these events could do so. Even if no one 18+ years of age is currently around, take the pics and save them. Then when someone finally is around, that's when you can take action. They'd have to agree of course, but I can't see why they wouldn't if they saw all that was going down.
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    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • If the Lab is attacking your dog, then obviosuly she shouldn't even be considered for adoption. Did she not go through the behaviour tests before she was given to a foster home?? All of this is puzzling to me because I foster animals myself, and all of them had to go through temperment and behavior testing before given up for adoption.
  • Well, here, we don't make them go through tests and stuff unless they are going to like, a Petsmart adoption event or something. But Bella really should have gone through all that because she is majorly food-aggressive but nobody ever mentions that to the oman in charge of the adoption group.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • WOW. No testing?? That could be extremely dangerous!! That's basically a disaster waiting to happen!! The point of fostering and rehabilitation is to find the dog a good owner, and the owner a GOOD dog. What's the point of fostering and adopting a dog out if the dog is just going to be returned or put to sleep because of behavior issues?? <br><br>Sorry..I don't mean to rant on you, not like it's your fault their requirements are off. : / But they should really do something about that and if they aren't, you should mention it.<br><br>Sorry about what happened to your dog, the Lab seriously needs training, that's all I can say about that. Because when you really look at the situation that's what it is. Your aunt isn't enforcing discipline, and it really sounds like she doesn't know what she's doing when it comes to the dog. Keep an eye on your dog, he should be your main priority.
  • Awh poor Callie and Hannah!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Update!!! Our "boss type lady" paid for everyone to take one dog to obedience class and Bella went with my aunt and is getting sooo much better about food aggression. And Lala I think it would be GREAT if they would make adult dogs go through a test before they go to a foster home but I don't gt a say in this because I'm a "child" according to my mother (I am a TEEN thank you very much).
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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