crap. it didn't want to post my super lonnnnggg post. So I have to rewrite. Ugh.<br><br><br>So a long time ago, before Weewee and vanilla Ice were born, Sexy and Baby were in chat together with a few others, and we were such barrels of fun back in our younger days. Anyways, Baby is from England, and there, they have these things called"Special Brownies" and nobody in the chat room had heard of them. So she told us what they were made of. And they are made with somestuffi'drathernotmentionhereonakidssite baked in! So, being the sexy cop I am, I chased her down and cornered her, then i revealed my real self. I unzipped the zipper on my police diguise and..turned out to be a majikal unicorn! i stabbed her to death with my razor-sharp horn.!! <br><br>So... You are the Mafical unicorn that I'm married to...<br>even thouhj coc says I can't since..well...u got ur stuff cut out.... :roll: