Hehe. I luv it. I will now attempt to list everbody's nickname.<br>Me: Frost, Frostbight, Melty, Turkey Bird, <br><br>Me? I'm sitting at the computer.<br><br>Eh, I'm bored. Btw, Finny. I literally have adrenaline pumping.. I want to do some serious damage to Beau!
Luvy- got my dye, gunna breed you yours now (:<br>Finny- I have something I need to say. This had been under my skin for some time now. You remind of Fish Sticks.<br> Me has no nickname 0=
I'm bored as well. Today was an all around crappy day. I had painful cramps in my back (thanks mother nature :roll: ) and classes were so boring. In technology we have to research a technology related career. I don't want to be an engineer!!! Ugh. <br><br>And in chorus no one was singing, and when they did it was pathetic. Everyone was about to fall asleep. Including me.<br><br>Ren: That was fast! Thanks so freakin much!
Fin- Obey! Or give me damage permission... :shock: Commanche is in kill mode!<br><br>Chicken- You already have a nickname! People that have been around here for a while know to call you Ren.. newer players call you Chicken.. I can call you Chickidy!
Yea me to Fishy, Toutouser (I can never get your name right) <br>I shared a sponcor with her,she was super nice. I missy her. <br><br>And Chicken, Finny's nickname is Fishy... lol <br><br><br><br>I'm reading your post now!!
Kiwi I AM totouser haha! I lost all my email and account infromation so I made a new account. I lost everything...luckily the other day I came across and old email attached to a holding kennal. I found like ten milly and all my regionals and stuff
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