I'm doing an adoption thread on Coco's website. Here's what I have:<br><span style="font-style:italic">Welcome to Poppyfield Shelter! Here we have many puppies for adoption, and occasionally a pregnant female. You can adopt your own dog or puppy here, and maybe even use it for my roleplays as your character. Please do not trade or give away or sell the puppies, as I work hard on them. They are completely free. All you need to do is give him or her a name. They come with genders, and most have realistic markings and coloring, but occasionally there will be Magical Mutts! Magical Mutts can have their genders changed and come with cool markings and weird colors like rainbow polka dots. You can breed your Poppyfield puppy with someone else's. They can have a maximum of two puppies, and you can either give them away or take one for yourself and one for the other person. If you own the male and female, then you must only pick one puppy, and the other will go up for adoption. I will release a total of five starter puppies and the rest I release will come from litters.<br></span><br><br>What do you think?
I'm drawing these in case you diddn't know. XD There's this really cool wesbite I use. I used it to make Wee's icon. Of course, hers is one of my more cartoony, not detailed, quick two minute things. XD