I have too many is my problem. All my dogs atm are at least part chi, and some are purebred. (I have 5, used to be seven, but Gramma dies, and we sold Poquita)
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email coconaur@aol.com
Oooh =( I'm sorry to hear that.. I have only one.. She's a registed AKC Chihuahua Her full registered name is Heaven Lee Angel and we call her Heaven. When we say "Heaven Lee Angel! Blah blah blah!" She tucks her tail and does what we tell her to do. She uses her toys as pillows all the time xD It's soooo cute!
Lol, I have two purebreds... Zippy and Mortimer, but the breeder really wasn't reputable, so we all say Mortimer's a rat terrier, since that's what he looks and acts like <br><br>And Toby (min pin) is from the pound, hahaha.
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email coconaur@aol.com
UGH! I HATE THOSE COMMERCIALS!<br><br>They make me feel horrible to be the same species as the person who did that to the animals, and I just want to curl up in a hole and die!
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email coconaur@aol.com
Well, I look away. Sometimes the music is good lmao<br><br>Still, I was going to volunteer at a pound. I still want to, but the local one is soooo fare away! I went to a pound in Cali once, and this poor dog! He looked like some type of shepherd mix, and his legs pointed out, he had horrible teeth, and his eyes were crossed! But the poor thing was sooo happy to have attention! That's actually one thing I disagree with those comercials, most of the animals are sooooooooooo ready to give people another chance and are happy to be even looked at! I swear, when I'm older, I'm going to go to the pound, find the ugliest dog, and adopt him/her. Because you know someone else won't
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email coconaur@aol.com
Lol, Vampy. That's what happened to my aunt. She worked at a pound and had like, AT LEAST5 horses, uncountable amounts of dogs, three oppossums, and a couple racoons <br><br>Finny! But of course! That's just how we roll! If you look it technically went from cows, to horses, to the Hunger Games, to animal abuse, FINALLY to dog pounds. We just can't stay on one topic! I feel bad for poor ML!
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email coconaur@aol.com
LOL yup, now back to cows! Charolai is cuter, even if they aren't better on the market, there are only 3 breeders in the state I live so I -could- end up getting more money for mine then a Angus would get me cause you can get Angus anywhere but Charolai you can't.
mkay XD<br>I love their humps especially.<br>To me theyre beautiful! The TB of the cow world<br>And the loose skin is LOVELY! Its soo cute!!<br>And i love to play with it LOL
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line