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I Burnt The Chocolate Chip cookies&My fingertips

edited March 2011 in Vent
Okay this happen decades ago...but i still rremebered what happened.I was baking Chocolate chip cookies,taking them out,putting them on the pan,setting the oven to the right temprature,and witing till it beaps.knowinly me,i forgot about them for just 2mins,in that time frame cookies burn".I got them out,only a few were was the day were i wasnt thinking at all....i pick the hot cookie tray up with no protection glove and i felt some stinging,chunked them away,to the side were the fridge was,they almost fell on the floor.My fingertips were burned,they hurted for 2 days or so.Cookies weren't good and i threw them away".! :P


  • lol..once when I was taking cookies out I lifted up the pan, got burnt, dropped the pan back in the oven, and realized a few seconds later that I had dropped the pan on my fingers and my fingers were trapped between the hot pan and the burning hot oven the oven and the pan burnt both sides of my hand. : ( ow.
  • WOW I am the worst cook so i was trying to make pergoes and i put to much oil in the pan then desided that it was a good idea to throw the pergoes into the burning hot pan and some oil splashed out and got on my fingers so I got a hirriable burn that puffed up and I couldn't close my hand and the next day I had an agility seminar so I had to walk my dog with my left hand wich was a pain and it hurt like a mother
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