Decided to join my private school's dance class. So I went today. Everyone was welcoming, everyone EXCEPT for...let's call her Julie. I could see her giving me dirty looks from the very beginning, when I walked in everyone introduced themselves nicely and asked me my name. Julie instead said "I'm ____, best dancer in the class. I could care less what your name is, you won't last here long anyway." I was like....WHAT??!! What is this? Some kind of soap opera drama?? Who says that kind of stuff?? But I wasn't about to let her rain down on my dancing class parade, so I ignored her comment. For the rest of the class I avoided her. I noticed that when I started dancing she started avoiding me. I also noticed that NO ONE else in there was dancing correctly and I kept getting praise from the instructor. Which is good, but too much is annoying. Tell me what I'm doing wrong, or tell me what I can improve on, DON'T tell me that nothing is wrong and that I'm dancing perfectly unless it's TRUE. I haven't been dancing this type of ballet style for too long so I KNOW that not all of my moves were perfect, it's so frustrating when I can't get helpful feedback on something that I care about. After the class was over a lot of the students were complimenting me on how good I was, and the "instructor" said I was "amazing", and that he can't wait for tomorrow's class to see me dance. Thing is, I don't think I'll be going to tomorrow's class. The instructor doesn't instruct and the students don't learn. I like dancing with a group, I like feeling the flow of our coordination. If I'm the only one dancing and everyone esle is staring at me what's the point?? I went to the class to learn, not to be gawked at. When I'm on stage of course I want people's attention to be on me, but when I'm in a learning environment the last thing I want is to be distracted because people are staring. Julie even had the nerve to mention when I walked out of class that I shouldn't be there, and that I only came to show off. How was I supposed to know that the "dancers" in that class couldn't dance and that I would be the only one dancing??!! It's depressing to know that the one class that I could've actually liked in this stupid private school isn't actually what I thought it would be. I'm thinking about joining a different class, somewhere outside of this school. I'm just looking to perfect my technique and learn some new choreography...It's not like I actually need to learn HOW TO DANCE. It seems like that's what that class was for...learning how. I ALREADY KNOW HOW!! This always happens to me.