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edited March 2011 in Vent
^ Basically describes how I'm feeling right now. I don't know why. This weekend I just laid around and yet I was extremly tired. The weather is just making me feel gloomy. And tonight at dinner I felt like crying. My dad's getting surgery and he always makes negative comments about it. I know he's just upset about it, but it makes me feel terrible when he acts like that. We moved about a month ago and I was excited, now I'm having second thoughts. I like the house but I miss my old one. And some of the people in my new neighberhood are really rude to me. School is over half way through, I'll miss it. I've had my teachers and the same people in my classes for two years. Now everything is going to change. <br><br>I just don't know. One minute I'm happy, friendly, and outgoing like I usually am, the next I'm gloomy, grumpy, and sad. My whole family, besides my sister, seems to be that way too. Which is understandable I guess, considering my dad's getting surgery and my parents are paying for two houses. <br><br>I know I shouldn't complain, people have it a lot worse than me, but I don't know what's wrong. All I want to do is curl up in bed and wake up when everything's wonderful again. I feel like I'm making a big deal out of the whole thing but I can't stop worrying and thinking negativly. I'm afraid I'm drifting away from my family...and I hate it. =/<br><br> :x
Goals: 13/50million VPC


  • I'm sorry. I understand how you feel though. I had to move from a gorgeous three story house in Hawaii to a three bedroom apartment in the middle of a dirty, polluted city. I left behind all the friends I grew up and went to school with since pre-school, so I could come here. The Land Of Jerks. I had to move because my Aunt was having trouble and she's the one I lived with at the time. BELIEVE ME, she was definitely not a joy to be around either. <br><br>BUT, when I got used to it, and started making friends in school things got better. My out going personality made me known around school quickly and I became friends with people just as weird as me in no time. Soon these people were coming over, inviting me to hang out, and a few became some of the best friends I have ever had. I can understand how you feel right now, but you can't let it get you down. Have you ever really looked at a "gloomy" day from a different perspective?? The dark and cold or grey and rainy days seem to be the most beautiful to me. I love them, especially the rainy ones.<br><br>Because I seriously want to help you I will say this with NO shame: the grey, rainy, and cold days make me feel like I'm in a scene from TWILIGHT, and I absolutely LOVE it. <span style="font-size:85">Don't mock me!! </span>xD <br><br>You can't fully drift away from your family, times may be hard, but dont worry..the bond you share will always be there. (have I just ryhmed?). Instead of drifting apart from them, cling to them (in a good, non-annoying way)...LITERALLY. Try to put a smile on your face and do things that make you happy, WITH YOUR FAMILY. No one else in the mood to be happy?? Make them be!! xD What are some things you guys enjoy doing together?? I know that when I moved and had no friends I was attached to my family like never before..they were my life line, they were basically my whole social life until things got better. Don't be pushy and annoying, because that makes things worse..but seriously TRY. Nothing should stop you from being happy. Don't let your dad's negative comments get you down. Try to make him feel better too. You know your dad, think of something that would make him smile. <br><br>You are NOT making to big of a deal out of anything. Your emotions are completely reasonable. Think happy, I know it's easier said then done, especially when you're constantly worrying, but do things that make you around people that make you happy. You will always have friends on here to keep you occupied if you need it, heck, I'll keep you occupied myself!! Did you know I can talk for hours and hours on end about INTERESTING stuff?? Keep your chin up and your feet down...IDK what that's supposed to mean but there is always wisdom to my words!! xD Feel free to message me at ANY time if you ever want to talk.<br><br> :P
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to write that. It makes me feel better to know there's someone who cares, and you're very nice! We actually moved to a bigger house, and I finally have my own room. But there is a smaller yard and less living space, so it's going to take me a while to completly consider this "home." Still, I'm getting there. <br><br>I think part of the reason is I haven't been feeling good at all the past few days. I'm afraid I'm getting sick, and I have a big voice recital coming up! <br><br>Yes, I love my family. They annoy me a lot sometimes, but I'm proud to say that unlike some people, I get along with my family and respect my parents. It's just that....I'm not a kid anymore and sometimes my parents want me to do everything with them, when I want to be alone or with my friends. Then I feel guilty, but...I do need some space. <br><br>I'm gonna possibly stay home from school tomorrow. I've been really tired and just feeling crappy lately, and the last thing I want is to make it worse. Plus my little sister was just sick, and I'm afraid I'm getting what she had! :x <br><br>Anyways, thanks for the advice. I do feel better today (emtionally, not physically) and it all comes with some up days and some down days. Thanks for the encouragment!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
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