^ Basically describes how I'm feeling right now. I don't know why. This weekend I just laid around and yet I was extremly tired. The weather is just making me feel gloomy. And tonight at dinner I felt like crying. My dad's getting surgery and he always makes negative comments about it. I know he's just upset about it, but it makes me feel terrible when he acts like that. We moved about a month ago and I was excited, now I'm having second thoughts. I like the house but I miss my old one. And some of the people in my new neighberhood are really rude to me. School is over half way through, I'll miss it. I've had my teachers and the same people in my classes for two years. Now everything is going to change. <br><br>I just don't know. One minute I'm happy, friendly, and outgoing like I usually am, the next I'm gloomy, grumpy, and sad. My whole family, besides my sister, seems to be that way too. Which is understandable I guess, considering my dad's getting surgery and my parents are paying for two houses. <br><br>I know I shouldn't complain, people have it a lot worse than me, but I don't know what's wrong. All I want to do is curl up in bed and wake up when everything's wonderful again. I feel like I'm making a big deal out of the whole thing but I can't stop worrying and thinking negativly. I'm afraid I'm drifting away from my family...and I hate it. =/<br><br> :x
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