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So excited!

So tomorrow I'll be getting my 9th piercing =D So far, I have my eyebrow, nose, 3 in one ear, 2 in the other done. Tomorrow I'll get 1 more in each ear, making 9 total! Wow, I'm just realizing that I will have atleast $440 worth of body mods, including the price of my tattoo. I still plan to get my lip, an industrial,my neck and <span style="text-decoration:underline">maybe</span> my tongue pierced, as well as atleast 5 more tattoos.


  • wow i have my ears pirced and thing possible of a tattoo
  • That's awesome! To me piercings and tattoos are so addicting
  • I have my ears pierced...nine times on each side xP I also have snake bites, a tongue piercing, and I got my dimples pierced a few months ago. Next I want my belly button...but that one I'm not to sure about. :|
  • =O I'm SO jealous!! I'd die to get my dimples done, but I don't think I have the face for it
  • Wow, I don't have anything at all pierced or tatooted......I would never get a tatoo. I may get my ears pierced, another hole, and if I get anything else it would be my belly button.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • lol..I have a sort of dark, gothic look so I matched with it. I'm always afraid a piercing won't match on me when I'm about to get it. The only ones that I've had a problem with is my snake bites..those ones I thought didn't look good on me and I almost cried. lol. but everyone assured me that they looked fantastic. I also had the place between my thumb and index finger pierced..that one was definitely unique :shock:
  • Yea I have the gothic thing going on too,lol<br>Oh the handweb!? My piercer told me that if you have that piercing and slide the ring (once it's healed) that it can get rid of headaches, not sure if that's true though,lol
  • haha...I play with it all the time, even when I have headaches...he lied :shock: lol, that piercing hurt the most.
  • Gee that's a shock that he didn't know what he was talking about (sarcasm). He's also the guy that told me to use rubbing alcohol to clean my piercings! =O Which is why I'll never go to him again,lol
  • haha, I used to have the piercing on both of my hands... I was playing with my boyfriend's dog (which is NOT trained) and the frisbee we were playing with had a crack in it that got cuaght on my piercing somehow. The dog jumped up even when I told him not to and ripped the frisbee out of my hand..taking my piercing with him :shock: Boy...I sure screamed loud. lol
  • OUCH! I would've freaked out!<br><br>My friend had her belly button pierced and had a knit sweater on, jumped off of a truck bed, and somehow the sweater caught on the piercing and ripped it out
  • Yeah..ugh...the worse pain ever. I had an eye piercing that got ripped out. I would always refuse to ride on my friend's motorcycle unless I had a tight helmet on. When I was putting the helmet on it trapped my piercing and yanked it enough to make it bleed a lot. Thank goodness it didn't rip it out.
  • *cringes* Oh dude that sucks! I've almost ripped out my eyebrow piercing sooo many times because oh my hoodie, it hurts so bad
  • lol..I wanted an eyebrow piercing but decided I would have way to many piercings on my face then.
  • Yea, if I ever getthe chance to have my lip done, I'm going to take out my eyebrow one, it's a pain in the butt piercing anyway
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