Hey everyone. I have decided to make a scavenger hunt. Get ready, get set, play!<br><br>Okay, so first, we set the rules down. (Oh, yay, rules.)<br><br>NO CHEATING- If I ask you to take a picture of something, don't look it up and copy it and post it! I expect you to <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">WORK FOR THE PRIZES</span></span><br><br>NO RIVALRY- Don't be all like, I'm gonna win you are not on on this thread. In PMs, fine, on the thread, no.<br><br>DON'T MESSAGE ME BEGGING- Do not message me begging that your team wins and offer me something. No matter what you do, <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">I am playing it fair. And so are YOU. </span></span><br><br>So, there is the three rules. Three simple rules. Not fifty hard rules. See, i'm not so bad.<br><br>Now for the form to fill.<br><br> VP Name- <br>Rank (leader or team member)-<br>Nickname-<br><br>Teams? You're gonna love the teams. Pick the one you like best.<br>Note. Three members max and one leader max per team.<br><br>Use Your Nose (Team 1)<br>Leader:<br>Members:<br><br>Call of the Wild (Team 2)<br>Leader:<br>Members:<br><br>Puttin on the dog (Team 3)<br>Leader:<br>Members:<br><br>Okay, so, the three teams. What do they do? Here are the tasks. The team who has the most tasks done by April first wins!. (Post here what you got done/post picture or say you took picture)<br><br>Tasks:<br>Take a photo of your pet, a friends pet, or a pet at your local animal shelter. <br>Write an excursion (short story) and post it/PM it to me.<br>Go outside for five minutes.<br>Teach one of your Virtualpups a command.<br>Take a photo of a pretty scene in your backyard, or an animal nearby or in your backyard.<br>Write a poem at least 5 sentences long and PM it to me or post it.<br>Read one chapter of a book you are reading on, or if you are not reading a book, read a chapter of a new one<br><br>Now, PM me to donate prizes. I need prizes.<br><br>First place prize:<br>Runners up: 1 free banner each<br>Second runners up:<br><br>*Need donations for first place and second runner up*
R.I.P Max I love you so so much my baby Chihuhuahua dog! 2005-2010