I love the barn I am at right now. Period. I love my horse trainer, and everyone else there. Well, the owner of the property that we share with him has a barn too at the same property. My best friends mom and my mom really like him, but to be honest, I don't. Not to be rude or anything but he just never really was "nice" to me, like he talks to me from time to time but kind of ignores me. He isn't like mean or anything, he's just strict. Anyways, I LOVE my trainer like A LOT and my mom said if she moves to a different property, we have to stay there with the property owner. She told me that on the way home from the barn just now when my little sister's friend happens to be in the car. So, I break out in hysterics because I never want to leave my trainer. I mean, my mom likes her, but they aren't best friends so my mom wasn't on my side (which was me wanted to stay with my trainer) She doesn't care how upset I am and look, either. She is just defending the other trainer. I am SO furious right now. I mean, my trainer probably isn't moving for a long time but still, I don't want to move and my mom wont get the message.
