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edited March 2011 in General Discussion
Hi,<br><br>I just joined the game yesterday. I bred my dog, and am in week #51. On her page it says she is to birth on week 51. I can not find where to birth her, and it will not let me advance a week. Help?<br><br>Thanks!


  • Are you out of turns?? That could be the problem..I find that when it says a certain week for my female to give birth it actually happens the next week. You get one turn every hour, you will probably have to wait for that. Oh, and you do not actually birth her, it just happens. You will know when you get a message on your kennel that says Congradulations a litter of ____ was born.
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Are you out of turns?? That could be the problem..I find that when it says a certain week for my female to give birth it actually happens the next week. You get one turn every hour, you will probably have to wait for that. Oh, and you do not actually birth her, it just happens. You will know when you get a message on your kennel that says Congradulations a litter of ____ was born.
    <br><br>I can make turns more than once an hour... Oh, I am out of turns. I had to look around. Thank you!
  • I know that. I said you GET one turn an hour when you run out. SO if you are out then you will have to wait an hour for your next turn. I didn't say you could only make one turn an hour. Glad you figured it out ; )
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