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So... Busy...

edited March 2011 in Vent
Bleh. So tonight I have to clean cages, then go to the doctors. How fun...<br><br>As far as cages go, I normally do them on Thursday, but I was lazy, so I realize this is all completely my fault. My poor animals :/ Well, I mean, it doesn't even stink TOO bad, they just live in my room, so I'd rather not have them stink... at all.<br><br>Doctors appointment. Kill me now? See, I have this... disability (Rockie! You know this!) called Usher's Syndrome. I have type three, which pretty much means I'm going to continue losing sight and hearing. Most people with my type have normal balance, but of course I have to be unlucky enough to be falling all over the place. Right now, my appointments are pretty basic; they give me hearing and sight test. You know? The type where they put headphone on you and have you raise your hand when you hear the beep? Yeah, that. For sight though, they test it in the dark (which is pointless- they know I'm pretty much blind in the dark. You know how you can see the outline of stuff and walk around without bumping into things? Well, I can't.) Then, they do a whole bunch more with sight. The left eye shut then read to us, yeah? Well, it still sucks, and I still say it's a waste of my time. We know it's just going to get worse, so why bother?<br><br>(And my cheap-o stepdad complains because the appointments cost money. I hate hime, if you couldn't tell.)
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email


  • I never knew that......are you going to be okay? Good luck at the doctor, I don't like them either. And have fun cleaning cages. Yay for pets.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • It seems like I'll be fine for a while at least- my sight and hearing hasn't gotten much worse lately... No way to really know though, lol.<br><br>Doctors suck... at least you don't have my orthodontist! (Which now that I think about it... My surgery is only about 2 weeks away...)<br><br>Oh, yes. Piggie cage is cleaned... not for the rats and birds!
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • Awww...poor coconut. I will clean your cages!!! : D
  • Thanksies Lala!! It sure woulda helped if you told me earlier!!
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • I HATE THE DOCTOR! IM SCARED FOR YOU XD <br>Il protect you!!!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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