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Free Banners.

edited March 2011 in Giveaways, Etc.
I have really nothing to do for the next two days, so I figured I might as well make some banners. I would really prefer if you would include the pictures--I have much trouble finding non-copyright pictures. <br><br>Examples- (Might post here later if I can dig them up)<br><br>Banner form:<br>
Pictures: <br>Text: <br>Subtext: <br>Colors: <br>Background: <br>Foreground: <br>Other:
<br><br>*Some of these are optional<br>
<br>Form explained more clearly:<br><br>Pictures: (Links preferably)<br>Text: (Main Text)<br>Subtext: (Minor text)<br>Colors: (Color Scheme)<br>Background: (Background image)<br>Foreground: (Semi Transparent picture over the other layers)<br>Other: (Other information)<br><br>Lastly, I can make other graphics too. Avatar, signature, etc. [Not Layouts!] Just fill out basically the same form.<br><br>Spots:<br>1.Rock_n_Roll_Queen90-(Going to have to be finished after school trip)<br>2.<br>3.<br>4.<br>5.<br><br><br>Pickup<br>1.<br>2.<br>3.<br>4.<br>5.
Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0


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