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One time log in

edited August 2011 in Game Suggestions
Not quite sure where exactly opinions on the one time log in thing should be posted so I'm just doing it here. *copies and pastes a convo between myself and another player*<br><br>"Mmk :p Well essentially, it's to discourage kennel sharing. If you give the access code to someone, they have access to All kennels, not just the one shared. Which it's not that I can't trust my normal ppls I have do favors for me..but I don't like the idea that they can effortlessly just snoop through if the will/curiosity compells them to."<br><br>"Yeah I can see how that would be a bother. sucks for people who share :("<br><br> "Zactly. And -a lot- of people do. My opinion was basically that I disapprove because of those reasons and because I don't feel it's fair us responsible players have to suffer for others' stupid mistakes. I like the idea, but not as permanent thing. I believe it should be -Optional- and something you can edit with removing/adding kennels to the all access chain while still keeping the original logins."
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  • If it had to be optional, I don't think it should be for the reason you listed. Virtualpups discourages sharing kennels in the first place. If you aren't willing to suffer the consequences that may happen, then don't do it. I don't think it should be optional for a reason that virtualpups doesn't really support in the first place.<br><br>I don't quite understand how the 1 username thing would work to differentiate kennels.. Or maybe I'm thinking into it too deeply?
  • It just wouldn't work out either way anyway. People are going to riot (exhaggerating) with disapprovals anyways. It doesn't matter what I have to say, it'll be repeated a million times over. I'm not the only one who shares a kennel. For example, even Anastasia and Aziu do. It's discouraged, but not against the rules. I just don't feel it's right to punish those who have success and prosper with sharing. I don't feel like the community as a whole should suffer just because some people make stupid mistakes thinking they can trust someone who they've only known for a month or less. You'd be saying differently, Tarnish, had you equally divided a purchase for an upgrade to share with your friend(s). It's easier for those who don't share, it's meaningless to novices without Sponsors because they shouldn't have more than one kennel anyways.
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  • I split this off because I wasn't quite understanding what's being discussed. Could someone enlighten me or explain more what this is about?
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  • The thing on the home page. Most recent update
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  • Ah, me being dense, per normal. Maybe a longer explanation for the change is in order..<br><br>I understand this change is in progress is for a few reasons, mostly to do with making the game easier and more fun for players.<br><br>1) Players with multiple accounts will no longer need to sign out and sign in on various kennels. They'll be able to select another of their kennels from either a drop down list or a tab on the page to go to their other kennel, and can be signed in on multiple kennels at once. It will also allow coding that would enable dogs to be moved from one kennel to another without using contracts or bids to move them and other activities that currently can't be coded.<br><br>2) Once the main account is signed into, all kennels on the account will be updated as being checked, meaning players won't have to physically check all kennels to avoid dogs in them being rescued.<br><br>3) It will make it easier to find players who create/have more than the allowed accounts.<br><br>4) By recoding accounts in this way, it will open up ways to add things to the game to make the game more fun. (This is the second part of the announcement on the sign in page "as we will be focusing on developing the next major version of the game") Right now, coding in the game is very hard to work with and is almost impossible to add anything except more of the same types of things already there, such as more breeds of dogs, more events, etc. From talks with admin1 and Nate, there are ideas for expansion pack type deals that players would be able to purchase (both with real cash and game monies) to allow all their accounts extras, access to special areas of the game for even more activities, etc. <br><br>5) Players will only need to remember one login, instead of the many they may have to remember now.<br><br>This recoding of accounts is the beginning of a major recode of the entire game. The coding that exists currently is very messy and redundant and needs to be straightened out before anything major can be added or changed in the game. Every time admin1 tries to fix something major or add something to the game, something else that is major breaks. So it's easier to recode everything correctly than to try and fix it.<br><br>Now there are some drawbacks, such as the ability to sell accounts for game cash will most likely be lost. However, this is something that removes revenue from the game and revenue is what keeps the game going.<br><br>Sharing accounts will take on an entire new meaning, as you pointed out, players better trust the person they're sharing with explicitly with all parts of their account. But, again this is something that has always impacted revenue for the game. If a novice, who is only supposed to have one account as agreed to in the terms of service, gets a sponsor to share their account with them, not only are they breaking the terms of service, they have less incentive to purchase their own sponsor. <br><br>Sharing is something currently that is almost impossible to regulate. Shared accounts were never really liked by admin, Nef threatened many times to disallow sharing of accounts because of the problems associated with sharing. The fact that it does nothing to create a rule that can't be enforced is usually what changed her mind. I have never played serious game where sharing accounts was allowed. In fact, all games I play and have played in the past, with the exception of Orbis Games will delete accounts if it's found a player is accessing more than one account, especially if they are "free" accounts.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I should have reread that again before posting. The change was never discussed as a way to keep players from sharing accounts. I don't know that admin1 and admin2 even thought about it. The main reason for the change is because of the coding and inability for VP to grow in any way as it is now.
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  • I think it will make things easier to access, which is nice (not that I have multiple kennels now anyway) but I'm also worried about no more selling kennels? I didn't think it would effect it that way, if I ever buy a sponsor it will most likely be with VPC because I don't want to spend my real life money. Will it be impossible to sell upgrades, or just used kennels?<br><br>As for sharing, I've shared 3 different kennels with 3 different people, 3 different times. I've always had good luck with it, I always am very careful, and I only shared with people I had known and worked with for a while. If dogs were to get stolen, well thats a risk I was willing to take. Not being able to share as easily could be a good or bad thing.....I suppose it would mean less scams, however it would also make it hard to share and rent kennels.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Well what I'm saying is, I like the idea but not if it's permanant. Again, it's only harmful to those who share. However. Time and time again, you'll come across others who share. There can be anywhere from 1 other person, to 6 other people sharing a single account. Depending on the management skills of the owner and their experiences, it can work out great. I only allow select few to access any of my kennels. As all of the Ops probably know in making my case, I take this game to heart. I've devoted far too much of myself to this game than what is healthy. But did I care? No. Because I love it. Anyway. My point is that there's nothing I guard more than my kennels/dogs and if I felt there was any kind of threat, there'd be a problem. I can trust the normal people I allow on, I just..don't like that ALL kennels could potentially be snooped through. It's an uneasy feeling all the same.<br><br>But I can see it being a problem for so many other people. I kind of really wish it could be an optional set up where you can pick and choose which kennels to have for yourself with the access code and then have the regular logins still in case one kennel is shared or just some other kennel of yours is asked to be logged into for whatever given reason.<br><br>I support ideas for changes, I'd like for coding to be easier for admin1 and Nate, I would like all the perks for that access code..but my point is that it's just So limited for people who share.. That and what about the Rescue kennel I use? I'm probably on it more than her. And she's kinda separate from my main system of friends so it'd be different asking for the access code instead of already having the user/pass. I just don't know.. I really, really, really want for an access code along with separate logins..
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  • As I understand how it'll work, it may not be possible to transfer ownership of kennels. Once a kennel is created on an account, it may not be possible to move it to another account. Upgrading someone else's kennel will always be possible, meaning players will still be able to buy and sell upgrades, changes, imports and anything else that is account specific for playcash from other players.<br><br>For Tarnish, every player will have a single account, within that account will be your kennels. So if you have one or 30 kennels now, they will become part of your account. You would sign into your account and then select which kennel(s) you wish to play with. If you decided you wanted to change kennels, there will be an option to select another kennel on your account and that kennel's page would open up.<br><br>Babybean, it's not that coding would be easier, it's that without new coding, nothing new and exciting can be added to the game. admin1 has a "duplicate" of the game set up where he tests changes, additions and fixes before bringing them into the game. He has tried adding/fixing stuff and it fails, the new thing gets added, but old things break, he tries to fix the old things and more old things break, so he starts over or tries something new with the same result. This is the major reason not much has happened in game since ownership has changed and probably why Nef hadn't added anything new in years. It's felt that a lot of people leave the game because they get bored. How many breeds can the average person bring to 10X4 before it gets redundant? How many events can the average person tolerate before it's no longer a challenge and not worth it any more? Without the change in coding, new things can't be added.<br><br>I believe I and the other Ops understand the desire to share kennels, after all, it's very nice having access to something for half price or no price at all and to be able to share what you have with friends. However, it would do the game more good to be able to offer you something new to do besides breeding the same way over and over ad nauseum, something besides training dogs basically the same way for events, something more for prestige, rescue and boarding kennels to do outside of just hosting events, rescuing dogs and clicking on check dogs. <br><br>Wouldn't you rather have a special area set up where a rescue has a chance of rescuing exceptional dogs? Wouldn't it be fun to be able to go to say a newly discovered country with your sponsors and compete in events against NPC dogs with the chance of getting a special prize, rescue special imports, set up a boarding kennel and have NPCs board special dogs and perhaps abandon them in your boarding kennel, perhaps your training sponsor will learn a new way to improve dogs, increasing their stars or your breeder have an increase of litter sizes/pups stars or even a new breed? What if you could earn points of some kind with your account so that you could use them to add more perks to one of your kennels, such as a rescue to have some boarding perks or training to have some prestige perks? There are lots of ideas that have been discussed that simply aren't possible with the way the game is set up now.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I understand it's an idea working towards a better future for the game, Bama. And I know my issue seems little compaired to the value of what a new code could bring. It wouldn't ruin my world, I just want to make a point there will be some backlash to this change. If there's absolutely no chance for my idea to be done, I can accept that. But I'd like it to be investigated as a potential at least.. Looked into. Maybe create something similar? Idk..
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  • Thanks for the explanation Bama. Now that I understand it more, I think it would be awesome to have for the game. Giving people the option to transfer dogs without contracts and accepting bids has always been brought up and I think people will enjoy that being added. Having it where it logs into all your kennels at once is also very very useful. Sounds like the game is finally starting to catch up to speed with all this. <br><br>=)<br><br>I'm not going to comment about the sharing kennels thing because I doubt it would change any minds ;D
  • tarnish wrote:
    Thanks for the explanation Bama. Now that I understand it more, I think it would be awesome to have for the game. Giving people the option to transfer dogs without contracts and accepting bids has always been brought up and I think people will enjoy that being added. Having it where it logs into all your kennels at once is also very very useful. Sounds like the game is finally starting to catch up to speed with all this. <br><br>=)<br><br>I'm not going to comment about the sharing kennels thing because I doubt it would change any minds ;D
    <br><br>I think that this in a whole is a brilliant idea! I know that the more a dog is switched from one kennel to another the loyalty goes down (If I'm not mistaken.) and it sure is a pain to have to go back, link the account, transfer the dog, log out, log in, accept contract, log out, log in and continue... <br><br>Although, I am still slightly confused with this drop down menu thing. Bama, maybe you can clear this up for me. <br><br>Lets say I have 4 sponsors; A training, breeding, prestige and rescue. If I log into my main kennel (training) and select my breeding kennel from the drop down menu, I will have access to the skills and dogs in that kennel? Will we also be able to link our novice accounts to there as well? <br><br>As for sharing, I have shared kennels in the past with no problems. I guess I was lucky, but even so I didn't take chances. I would change my email address to an email with fake information about myself, as soon as the person was done with the kennel I would change the pass word. Over all, I think this will be a great idea for the game and would certainly make things a whole lot easier.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Thanks for the explanation Bama. Now that I understand it more, I think it would be awesome to have for the game. Giving people the option to transfer dogs without contracts and accepting bids has always been brought up and I think people will enjoy that being added. Having it where it logs into all your kennels at once is also very very useful. Sounds like the game is finally starting to catch up to speed with all this.
    <br><br>Although, I am still slightly confused with this drop down menu thing. Bama, maybe you can clear this up for me. <br><br>Lets say I have 4 sponsors; A training, breeding, prestige and rescue. If I log into my main kennel (training) and select my breeding kennel from the drop down menu, I will have access to the skills and dogs in that kennel? Will we also be able to link our novice accounts to there as well?
    <br><br>Keep in mind, this isn't 100% how it might work. I'm going off how I envision what admin1 explained. He has a way of surprising us with what he actually codes.<br><br>There will be a shift in meanings, account will not be the same as kennel and kennel will not be an account. Your account will be everything, including kennels, that you own. You will not sign into kennels, you will sign into your account.<br><br>So once you sign into your account, there will be an option to create a new kennel, a listing of all your kennels (novice and sponsor), as well as things everyone can do, forums, bark park, chat, goodies, upgrades, special events, etc. If you select to go to your training kennel, it will come up with all the dogs, money, skills, bonuses, messages, imports that it's supposed to have. If you wish to move to your breeding kennel, you'll go to the list and select that kennel and it will come up with all the dogs, money, skills and bonuses it's supposed to have.<br><br>In order to create a kennel, you must have or create an account first. In order to access your kennels, you will have to log into your account first.<br><br>Explanation of a drop down menu.. If you go to Puppy Plaza and look at the breed box, then click on the arrow to the right of the box, a list "drops down" of all the dog breeds on the game, you may be able to select which kennel you want to go to through the same type of list that appears when you click on a tab on your account.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Do you know how the kennels will be listed as? Kennel name, player name, or perhaps maybe we can manage that ourselves? Like a rename thing. In case you wanna call it "Breeding Kennel", "Holding", "Sales", "Gifties", etc?
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  • BabyBean13 wrote:
    Do you know how the kennels will be listed as? Kennel name, player name, or perhaps maybe we can manage that ourselves? Like a rename thing. In case you wanna call it "Breeding Kennel", "Holding", "Sales", "Gifties", etc?
    <br><br>I agree with this, it might make things easier. I'm not sure if everyone will require this though, since most players just have a few main kennels that they use, and some for holding. <br><br>Also, when is this change going to take place?
    Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0
  • I don't know how the kennels will be organized or if there will be an option to rename kennels, we didn't get that far into how it's going to be set up. I would hazard a guess that with kennels having to be managed by an account, changing kennel names won't be as big an issue, if at all.<br><br>I'll ask admin1 if he has an idea for when this will happen. I know he's been working on it for a couple months and would say with the announcement, he's probably got it coded and is testing, so within the next couple months, maybe. I'll ask to be sure.
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  • Thanks! This sounds good to me. I'm sure you've already went over this----but will you be able to check all messages on one account? Or will it say the kennel name it was directed to on the message?
    Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0
  • I believe messages will be sent to individual kennels.. So if someone messages your breeding kennel, it will go there.
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  • Will it have the same color scheme/images like VP does now or different? Login page, and up top (blue dog that always creeped me out to the left, and blue/white dog with the wings and star around eye to the left), and other icons for Puppy Plaza, Messages, Management, etc?
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  • BabyBean13 wrote:
    Will it have the same color scheme/images like VP does now or different? Login page, and up top (blue dog that always creeped me out to the left, and blue/white dog with the wings and star around eye to the left), and other icons for Puppy Plaza, Messages, Management, etc?
    <br><br>I know there are plans in the works to "update" the game's layout with new colors, images, etc, Ahkhana's working on it, but whether that happens at the same time as this or later down the road, I don't know.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Hi Everyone,<br>I just wanted to chime in and review/confirm Alabama's points. Having a "universal login" is actually going to be quite simple: when you login to the game, you will be able to select which kennel of yours you want to "manage" from a drop a down list. Once you have selected the kennel, it will be as if you have "logged in" with that kennels details (i.e. each kennel will still have its own cash, PMs, etc...). So, one username/password to remember, but access to all your kennels just like before. Nothing else is changing :) Every feature which existed before on a per-kennel basis will continue to exist. <br><br>Regarding sharing kennels, we are currently considering different ways to best deal with this. Acknowledging that sharing is not officially endorsed by the game, we understand the desire for people to share only specific kennels with other game players, even though there is a great risk of them losing the kennel altogether by sharing it to someone and being cheated. The introduction of a "universal login" could potentially allow for a few ways to deal with kennel sharing, for example by implementing a "lend" feature which enables a player to grant a specific kennel to a another player account on the game for a specific period of time - before any feature like that is finalized though all of the implications of such a feature must fully be analyzed, as again sharing your kennel with another player is a significant risk.<br><br>Finally, regarding the next version of VirtualPups, unfortunately we are too early in development to give final answers on questions about visual style, gameplay, etc... we would like to first finalize development plans before any specific announcements are made. <br><br>Thanks!
    Nefertete, Game Dev
    EMAIL ME at - i rarely check messages here!
  • Sounds good =) Have fun with it, lol. And thanks for informing us ^_^ I really appreciate the sharing thing is being looked into
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  • How will we know what the log in codes are going to be for our kennels when this happens? or will we be sent this by email or do we pick? sorry if its silly question but it was bugging me and if its been asked already =X.. or that can't be awsered yet?
    656 Gifties
  • To me, a common thing would be a created code emailed to you that you can edit with your own likings. Most likely the regular numeric and alphabetic only. Though..that's just comprehension and not a quotable answer ;p That'd be my guess though
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  • I was thinking something like that but was not sure lol. <br>Also they link all the kennels by the emails set in the email place? if so I better check mine are all the right email xD.<br>I know I'm asking questions early but meh lol.
    656 Gifties
  • I don't think email is really all that sufficient and neither would IP. Just having the experience with IP issues, I can safetly say that with confidence >.> I mean, some people might use multiple emails, some people may no longer have an active email for a particular kennel anymore. Having the login info verifies you have access to that kennel -whether you own it, share it, or stole it. But either way, it's safe to assume you were allowed to get on. Which I think should be a way to verify what kennels you will use, and should be able to add kennels to your access code by entering the login.<br><br>I just honestly think it should be a manual add/remove management process where you can pick and choose the kennels you want on there. Perhaps permission from the kennel owner (whoever's email address is provided) to allow it first after they have their own access code? Just in case anyone tries to steal someone's account, you're not sure if they'll still allow of your usage, or if you share with people.<br><br>For insance: Myself and "Heather" share a kennel. But Heather owns the kennel, it's with her email. So I request either through an Op/Support that I am allowed to add that kennel. Either they can send her a verification email saying I wish to have access to that kennel "do you accept or decline?", or I can message her myself -she goes to Ops/Support and tells them she'd like to grant my request, and then things can be arranged. This way not only is it a double barrier for kennel protection (go through superiors and the kennel owner), but it also ensures your right to use the kennel. And therefore, rules with theft or breaking any rules can be better enforced with holding all parties responsible because all protection was provided, and you as the owner, have no further excuses.
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    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

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  • Means the infortion for their kennel will be sent to that email than..? I'm guessing they may do what they did with the help thing to link the kennels to it? just you could'nt unlink the kennels without Op help. but its always good to ask xD.
    656 Gifties
  • Perhaps another suggestion with the mail. Could we have a draft folder or something? To place messages in we either wanna get back to later, haven't finished, or wanna have in there for safe keepings? Like how you can transfer sent messages to inbox on the forums, be able to transfer to Drafts.
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • If this post has ended, I understand but I was wondering a few things:<br>Will the kennels show up the way they do now for other players; for example, people will still see my training and breeding kennels as separate kennels?<br>How will the kennels be added to the account; will this be done manually by the player or by email? I have changed emails a few times over the years so some accounts are on different emails. Should I change them all to one?<br>Thanks!

    350k for ALL long grooms! Other prices on page
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