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Roman!! 2 years! *HUGE UPDATE*



  • He is gunna be a biiiigboy!
  • Thats with his head up. It kills me that i used to be able to get on my knees and look eye to eye with him now he looks down on me.
  • Oooh i went to vampys house today and i got to see Rosie today and pet her! She's sooo pretty and soft lol her calves are sooo cute too!!! omg xD
  • Ohh this makes me want the mare we bred to be pregnant sooo bad! I want a foal to train so bad!<br>Roman's coloring is STUNNING!
  • Thank you. Im thrilled with his color also. And his pattern. With his pranciness from his mother he is suure gonna be a stunning mover when he gets older.
  • You know i JUST got to thinking about it. Where are all the people that told you that Roman was going to be a "Bad" foal and had "bad" breeding on that post when you first bred him? I have yet to see them post on this new thread lol
  • Nah, one of em came back and tried to harass me later but i was nice to them and they finally got the picture and left again.
  • Garnet wrote:
    You know i JUST got to thinking about it. Where are all the people that told you that Roman was going to be a "Bad" foal and had "bad" breeding on that post when you first bred him? I have yet to see them post on this new thread lol
    <br><br><br>By 'those people' I'm assuming you meant me. The reason that I stopped responding to these threads is not because this foal turned out 'magnificently' and all of my expectations and predictions were proved to be incorrect. I stopped responding because I realized it was obvious that the OP had no interest in learning anything about responsible breeding or horse ownership and planned on doing what she wanted, no matter what facts were presented to her.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>^The foal turned out <span style="font-style:italic">exactly</span> as I expected him to. He is a grade horse who possesses below average conformation and displays no propensity to excel in any particular discipline.<br><br>I'm not going to waste my time giving you an in depth critique of all of his faults. I know all that matters to you is the fact that he is 'a cute baby'. However, I will name a few of his more outstanding short comings.<br><br>He has his mother's course head, attached to his sire's thick unrefined neck. A neck which ties in too low to a straight, upright shoulder. He is markedly sickle hocked and he appears to be cow hocked on top of that as well. Overall, he has an unrefined, cobbled together appearance. But, I don't know what else you could have expected when you bred a low quality Saddlebred to an equally low quality Quarter Horse.<br><br>My only hope is that he will become a gelding, but I feel dubious that this will actually happen.<br><br>For comparison's sake, here is a picture of a high quality, well-bred, stock horse weanling- <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • edited September 2011
    Look jack. I never asked for your opinion on my colt. I dont care that he might not be halter bred because he ISNT halter bred. Just because he isnt perfect doesnt mean anything. He's been raised quite well and acts a lot better than a lot of "high bred" horses ive seen. Im not looking for a halter horse or a show horse. Im looking for a trail horse and he will work just fine as one. He's got the attitude i wanted on him and he isnt afraid of anything. He's gonna be gelded and everything that needs to happen to let him have a long prosperous life. Ive already got a good trainer lined up for him soo even though he isnt a registered show horse he will still be worth something more that can give him a happy home if i cant keep him, though i plan to keep him. And by the way. He actually can be registered and i plan on having him registered. Please refrain from posting on any of my posts again if you cant stop attacking my horses due to them not being "up to your standards"
  • I honestly didn't ask for you opinion about this thread. I was talking to Vampy in saying that no one had made negative comments. This may get me banned, but thank you for being a complete ass about this horse to a person who loves him just as much as the "perfect" horse's owner loves him. The appearance of a horse it not what matters most. What matters most is that it is healthy and growing fine and has a loving home where people take care of them. Now, you have your opinion and she has hers. Neither of which are "right" or "wrong" you may think he isn't perfect, so be it. To her, he is, and by "those people" i was not talking about you as i dont even remember you posting on the other thread. Thanks.<br><br>(Bama, ops, i know. Back on topic.) That's all i had to say.
  • Look jack. I never asked for your opinion on my colt. I dont care that he might not be halter bred because he ISNT halter bred. Just because he isnt perfect doesnt mean anything. He's been raised quite well and acts a lot better than a lot of "high bred" horses ive seen. Im not looking for a halter horse or a show horse. Im looking for a trail horse and he will work just fine as one. He's got the attitude i wanted on him and he isnt afraid of anything. He's gonna be gelded and everything that needs to happen to let him have a long prosperous life. Ive already got a good trainer lined up for him soo even though he isnt a registered show horse he will still be worth something more that can give him a happy home if i cant keep him, though i plan to keep him. And by the way. He actually can be registered and i plan on having him registered. Please refrain from posting on any of my posts again if you cant stop attacking my horses due to them not being "up to your standards"
    <br><br>You may not have specifically asked for my opinion, however you have to understand that whenever you post on a public forum you are opening yourself up to receive feedback (not all of which is going to be the sort you want to hear.). That is just the way that the internet and the world, for that matter, work. If you don't want to hear any opinions that differ from your own, the only way to achieve that is by isolating yourself from the general public through the use of private message boards or direct E-mail. Which, frankly, sounds rather boring. <br><br>Where exactly did I say that any horse that is not specifically bred for halter is an undesirable and a flawed animal? I can't recall even mentioning anything in regards to halter horses in my entire post. In fact, here's a foal specifically bred to be an all around, ranch horse, type who I quite like- <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>What I have been trying to explain is that there are multiple factors that go into breeding a quality horse, no matter the discipline or breed you specialize in. One of the most important factors in breeding, wether it be for a 'fancy show horse' or for a personal trail horse, is that the horse have correct and functional conformation as well as a desirable pedigree. Or, at the very least, the ability to be registered (and no, I do not consider the 'Pinto Horse Association' to be a legitimate registry. They will accept nearly ANYTHING.).<br><br>A good temperament is important. Still, it is not any more or less important than any of the other qualities I have listed. There are millions of horses with great temperaments. That doesn't mean every one of them needs to be bred. Just as there are many horses with outstanding pedigrees who are lacking in some other aspect which makes them undesirable as breeding stock.<br><br>I have no problem with any of your horses, they're all fine animals and I'm glad you love them. However, they're not breeding quality animals, the majority of horses aren't. <br><br>My problem is that you insist on breeding them despite this fact and adding to the over saturation of the horse market.
  • Garnet wrote:
    I honestly didn't ask for you opinion about this thread. I was talking to Vampy in saying that no one had made negative comments. This may get me banned, but thank you for being a complete ass about this horse to a person who loves him just as much as the "perfect" horse's owner loves him. The appearance of a horse it not what matters most. What matters most is that it is healthy and growing fine and has a loving home where people take care of them. Now, you have your opinion and she has hers. Neither of which are "right" or "wrong" you may think he isn't perfect, so be it. To her, he is, and by "those people" i was not talking about you as i dont even remember you posting on the other thread. Thanks.<br><br>(Bama, ops, i know. Back on topic.) That's all i had to say.
    <br><br>Resorting to petty name calling really doesn't affect me or add anything of value to your debate.
  • People are entitled to their own opinions, but there is a limit. So please move away from this particular topic over whether the foal should have been born or not/if it should be registered, any more comments on this will result in points and potential bans.<br><br>If you feel people make inappropriate comments you should nudge an Op to put things back on track, we don't bite. Honest! Ok, maybe sometimes :/<br><br>But cute guy, makes me miss working with the irish draught hunter foals I worked with last summer.
    ^ Click for comics
  • Thank you soo much Paper. He's definitally a spunky little guy. He tried to run with my two mares the other day and one of them popped him and he came back too me and he looked soo stunned that the big horses didnt want to play with him haha!
  • The guys I worked with were babies, like 1-2mo. They were so nutty and then totally horrified when you went halter them and groom them xD
    ^ Click for comics
  • I love workin with foals. Theyre my favorite. My guy went crazy when we weaned him. He kept trying to kick through the stall but after a week he calmed down. Ive only had him up for a month with limited working with him and ive got him haltering, leading, doing Trail in hand, bathing, grooming, leading, tying (he never once pulled back.. not even the first time i tied him), picking up all his feet, accepting leg wraps, i can literally lay over him back and he just stands there. He has this game he loves to play where he sees how close he can get his nose to my face before ill kiss him on the nose. He's a hilarious guy.
  • <span style="font-size:85">Not trying to make an enemy but I have to say this-<br>Jack, yes, alot of the horses nowadays shouldn't have been bred, but its not like Vampy breeds just to breed, to my understanding this is the first time she has ever bred a horse, and shes not a horse trader, she plans on keeping Roman. No, he doesn't have perfect conformation,but he is a good horse, he wasn't bred to be a huge "perfect" show horse. He was bred to be Vampys personal horse, and shes very happy with the way he turned out. I am around horses alot and I personally like Roman, and I am a very serious horse shower! I know alot of horses nowadays are bred a ton- and I don't agree with that but most of the ones bred more then 2-4 times are for horse traders, which my friend Vampy is -NOT-. She cares as much if not more about her horses then anyone here, she knows -ALOT- about horse and would never breed "just to breed". <br><br>/end of rant</span>
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • He's over seven months old now! Whew! Such an old boy xD Annyways, here are some updated pics!!<br><br>He didnt wanna do anything but eat xD<br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Yay! Lol, loves him. Thanks for updating ;D<br>In the last pic he has such an innocent face
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  • He's such a goof! He's a lover thought! His fathers bloodline is known for throwing hot blooded foals and while he shows a biig personality he knows how to treat humans with respect. He doesnt kick or rear or bite. He's never nipped me. Not even as a baby. He's learned not to rush over me for feed or anything. He loves being handled too. He hated taking baths until he associated them with getting rubbed all over to get the soap in and now he loves them xD
  • Looking Handsome!
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  • Aww ^-^ *makes a clone to stealz*
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  • xD as long as you dont take the original. He's mine xD The lady who owns his sire thought it was amazing. the first six months i kinda just let him be a colt. I handled him but no more than rubbing on him. When we weaned him he threw a HISSYFIT! For two weeks he would sit at the wall and just kick and kick until he tired himself out. She came over one day to help me find out why Nova had gone lame (tack in her foot) and she was telling me how he had his fathers attitude and how he'd be a handful. A week later she came to pick me up for a practice (her daughter and i compete together and were best friends) and i was out with Roman tied brushing him. I walked him on a lead and he was being a perfect angel, walking at my shoulder like grown horses do and her jaw dropped. She told me later she was in shock at how easily he accepted his role under me in the herd and how comfortable he was letting me be in control of him. He's taken to everything ive done to him soo well. The only problems we have is unloading. Our trailer doesnt have a ramp and he cut him leg open getting out and now he freaks out when he has to step down DX
  • Aww, poor thing =/ I'm sure he'll get over his fear with time though. And yeah, that's why I meantioned clone XD Cuz getting the original away from you? HA! Wouldn't dare try >.>
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  • teehee. He's a little monster. He truely is... he loves my crocks O.O at night i slip them on even though i think theyre ugly to feed and he loves the strap on em and plays with em LOL! But he is gonna be one great boy to ride. I lay on him and he accepts training soo easily. I plan on breaking him myself. See how that goes. My first ever break job from the very beginning!! But im gonna take it slow with him. No reason to rush and hurt him.
  • Yeah, very true. I'm so excited to see him all grown up and being ridden and stuffs. I love picture posts being able to see the animal grow up and progress, it's nice. Though would totally enjoy it so much better in person but hey, what are ya gonna do? Lol
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  • xD i understand. I woulda had more over the last few months but i lost my charger LOL! And yea. The growing up part is my favorite! Im in college for equine genetics. I wanna be a breeder. (training and handling as well as owning a stable and giving lessons would be nice too) I knew what color Ro would turn out before he was born aand i like working with babies. I love watching em grow soo quickly and its soo much easier to work with a young horse and build good habits over working with older horses with problems. Ive got a bad back and a bum leg (both had to do with riding accidents but not completely) soo i dont like puttig myself in any more danger than i have too... i hate wheny my colt acts better than a 6 year old horse because the horse should know better. I dont get mad at the horse, i get mad at the owner but i cannot work with horses like that. Theyre dangerous if they dont have respect. My mom got this one horse she wanted me to retrain once and he tried to stomp my face in quite a few times. I told her i wouldnt touch him again. I cant deal with disrespect. x.X
  • he is soo cute!!
  • xD thanks soo much! He's a hunk and he knows it. He prances at the girls xD Nothing stalliony yet, but as soon as he becomes one he's getting put my himself til the vet can come "take a look at him".
  • Lol, you might want to start putting him by himself a little sooner before he gets any.. urges. Just my opinion cuz I think it might be less frustrating than if all of a sudden having to be taken away from the others because he never had to be before while those new feelings are going on. Though I'm obviously no expert but thought it might help =)
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    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

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