He's so flipping gorgeous! And growing so fast! Romeo is 15.2 hands as well. You're going to have a nice sized horse! How tall were the parents? <br>Oh, I have a new foal at my place I'll be posting pictures tomorrow! (on vacation right now)
Thanks guys! I have a video but not sure how to get it from the recorder to my computer O-o plus its REALLY long. He was nibbling on my arm the whole time. I had him all pretty and square and as soon as the judge walked up, i switched sides (its a showmanship thing. The judge can take off it you dont) and he thought we were going somewhere and he spread open his back feet!! Oh my! The judge loved him though! Said he just needed more conditioning (i already knew this.) and had a slightly thick neck but overall he LOVED him. His mom is 16.2 and his dad is 14.3 xD Daddy was a shorty!!
Aww that is sweet, I dont wanna sound rude but in the pictures he looks kinda thin cause i can see his ribs inless he is standing a way that it look like that. Anyway he is adorable and sooo handsome!
That is true. He's just like my thoroughbred. He doesnt keep weight easily and we had a TERRIBLE drought last year and he lost a bit of weight then and he has gained MOST of it back but his ribs still show! Bothers me highly! With my TB she will eat flax seed oil but if theres any in HIS feed he woulnt touch it! He gets 24/7 pasture and 2 scoops of 14% fat content feed twice a day and he STILL needs weight.
Nova has a TINY head. I have to buy special bridles to fit her, luckily i maily use rope halters at home so i dont have to buy special halters!
<br>Awwwwww lol !! I was looking at the picture when you frist made this post and the picture you posted yesterday , oh my gosh has he gotten so big lol :P
oh no! Theres no weight on any of these! That saddle is a synthetic pony saddle and ABOUT 5 lbs. Those are just things that rattle and make noise to get him a little less weary of noises and movements from the saddle. Say i hadnt done this and im on him and my cell phone rings. GREAT way to get killed on a two year old! This will make him a lot more calm with things happening in his blinde spot.
Lol i realized there was no weight after I posted. I looked more closely and thought about the noise and stuff. kind of like how black beauty did with the train and stuff lol!
The first time I tried desensitizing Romeo to bags I about died because he thought the easiest thing to do to get rid of them was to rear then kick and run...at my head level haha xD<br><br>Looks like he's coming along well!
Hes definitally still a lanky yearling but i think he's gonna mature early. He's soo big for his age. I dont think i will start breaking him until he is three though. I just can feel comfortable on him before that and i doubt he will be put into any kind of hard work before he is 4. I might just do walk/trot train rides on him to get him under saddle but calming down and listening.
Hes definitally still a lanky yearling but i think he's gonna mature early. He's soo big for his age. I dont think i will start breaking him until he is three though. I just can feel comfortable on him before that and i doubt he will be put into any kind of hard work before he is 4. I might just do walk/trot train rides on him to get him under saddle but calming down and listening.
<br><br>Good plan, could always do some light ground driving work too ^^ That helps with the pressure on the mouth when turning, and to understand that the commands come from "behind" as in him not being able to see you at the side like you would with lunging. <br><br>My dream is to actually train up a baby to be a driving neddy xD
<br>I have no doubt that he's gonna reach 16hh by the time he's mature. His mom is 16 hh and his daddy is around 14.2 hh xD HE's probably his daddy's size now. And he's got 5 months until he's even a two year old! All my other horses in my pictures are tall. Rosie: Red Roan- 15.3hh. Blaze: Sorrel- 16.1. Nova: Bay- 16.2. So he's measuring up against some nice sized horses!!<br><br>
Hes definitally still a lanky yearling but i think he's gonna mature early. He's soo big for his age. I dont think i will start breaking him until he is three though. I just can feel comfortable on him before that and i doubt he will be put into any kind of hard work before he is 4. I might just do walk/trot train rides on him to get him under saddle but calming down and listening.
<br><br>Good plan, could always do some light ground driving work too ^^ That helps with the pressure on the mouth when turning, and to understand that the commands come from "behind" as in him not being able to see you at the side like you would with lunging. <br><br>My dream is to actually train up a baby to be a driving neddy xD
<br>Right now ive been ponying him on trail rides and doing small non often bouts of lunging with things on him and trailing him. (ever seen a horse with a tarp behind him? Mua ha ha ha!!) He's really good about taking things in stride though he does get nervous with things like this like any horse would for the first time. <br><br>He is definitally my baby and i think he's gonna make an EXCELLENT horse for me. He's SUPER calm with a bit of an attitude (which i like) and such a personality! I had a friend come over who loved how loving and well trained my "pony" was and she was grounded when i told her he wasnt even two yet. He's better trained than her 4 year old riding horse whos been sent to the trainer for months! She told me she wanted to steal him until she realized he TOLERATES other people... he loves me. We were with him and he'd watch her the whole time she was out there and tolerate her playing with him but he's so different when its me. He loves on me and plays with me and show's his goofy side. He's truely a one person horse in the aspect that he'll allow others to mess with him and come around but he only tries for me.
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