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Rescue Pricing

edited February 2011 in Game Suggestions
I know this is a very rough idea and some people may not agree, but I think it would be helpful if the auto price for rescues was 500, instead of 250. I don't like neutering my rescues because I know I would not like to buy a neutered dog. But the inevitable is that people always buy up my rescues just to neuter then release them, when I write specifically on my page not to do that. Therefore these people make profit off of dogs I work hard to find. So, I believe it would be nice if the price was the same as the reward you get for neutering. That way I can keep my dogs intact and know that people won't be buying them just to neuter/release. Thank you for reading and I would love to hear any types of opinions on this.


  • People are able to do whatever they want with bought dogs. Rescuing and neutering dogs is one of the few ways novices can earn a little cash. I don't think we should change the price because you are personally upset by what another user does with the dog after they buy it and it's considered their dog. And even if they make a profit off a dog that you found, how is it any different if they decided to resell it or event it? Wouldn't that count as making money from it? <br><br>I think the price should remain the same. =)<br><br>Edit: No, I don't think you can report them. If you don't want them to do it, don't put the dogs up for sale. Have the sale go through privately by messages or bids.
  • I understand where you're coming from. Thanks for your opinion. You make complete sense, it is just something that really bothers me but thank you I appreciate your input.
  • I can understand how it would bother you. I didn't like popular players buying my rescues because I wanted lesser players to have them along with novices. I can't really control that unless I put ads out and only accept bids on dogs. So I just let it go. =)<br><br>Just think that you still get profits from selling and someone made use of the dog (even if they neuter and retire it still helps someone else). =D
  • What Tarnish said. For a new player trying to get decent dogs, it's a good way not just to make some money, but to clear some dogs out of the data base. Rescues make what? 2,500 off every dog that's adopted? So rescues make money, why shouldn't the other person be able to make at least 250?<br><br>Many new players don't know enough about the game to know what kind of dog would win in events, let alone how to train it or get it trained (if they can afford it), so eventing to make money is out. If they squander their breedings on low stated dogs, they can't make money selling pups and even if they happen to get good dogs, limited breedings affect how much money they can make that way on their own. They might make more money by studying events to see who's good to bet on, but most don't want to put that kind of energy into a game they aren't even sure they want to stick with. So that leaves obtaining dogs from Puppy Plaza for cheap and neutering them.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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