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I Wish Thread *NEW* w. A Few Rules OFFICIAL

edited March 2011 in Giveaways, Etc.
So, it was a little weird what happened on the other one so I'm starting a new one. There are some rules just to keep people from destroying the thread. Remember, thisis all good- free stuff. There should be no bad feelings! :)<br><br>RULES:<br>1. You MUST grant the actual wish. No alternates/ randoms etc. Either grant it, or don't<br>2. No arguements allowed here. In order to keep the thread clean. PM to work it out. And just remember, this is free stuff. Appreciate it<br>3. Thank you's and pleases are nice. A general well-mannered attitude is a must. <br>4. Keep wishes REASONABLE. Don't ask for an international show dog, 1 mil VPC etc. Keep it realistic. If you had one, would you give it out just like that? <br>5. No bumping. If there needs to be one, I can handle it. I just odon't want a million arrows and bumps<br><br>Hope that clears everything up! I'll let someone else start :)


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