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Why do people do around asking to be partners?

edited February 2011 in Vent
So I like to give people the benefit of the doubt that they are good people. That they won't scam me. BUT you always have to be aware of people. This is a copy of the direct conversation I had with another player. I don't want to tarnish their reputation, because I am not 100% sure of their intentions. That said, It seems pretty obvious to me they were trying to take my username and password for other reason then posted. <br><br>Them: i have bid £150 on the last pug thats for sale:)do u wanna be partners on vp?<br><br>Me: (about pug information) I'm open to the idea, but do you have anymore detail?<br><br>Them: well u go into management and in the top right hand corner click link this account with your sponcer:)once u find it pm me and i will give u the rest:) <br><br>Me: Okay, then?<br><br>Them: ok,now we have too decide do we do it through me or u-well shall i give u my user name and password or shall u? <br><br>Me: I'm not giving out my username and password sorry <br><br>Them: ok i will but i am trusting u ok?<br><br>Me: If you mean I'm trustworthy then yes, but I'm not sure what you would want me to do? Help maintain your kennel?<br><br>Them: being partners means if u can't go on to rescue a dog i will go on for u,partners is a helping thing:)its a good thing:) <br><br>______After that she "supposedly" gives me her password and username, I told her I didn't want to get suspended if it didn't work, and she told me not to worry____<br><br>Them: what did it say? <br><br>Me: It didn't work<br><br>Them: oh bum that means we have to do it through u:(i am totally trustworthy,remember i trusted u:) <br><br>I then sent a message basically saying " No, I don't give out my username or password, good try though. Sorry if you weren't trying to scam me, but I don't trust people I just me"<br><br><br>I never heard a reply after that. I am aware that i sound like it was one of thoughs staged "BE SAFE" ads that they show preschoolers, but That is exactly what I told them word by word.<br><br>Like I said I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I won't post her name on here just yet, but if this continues to happen, I'm not sure what I should do. To me it seems obvious she was trying to scam me, but if I were to report her, would they be able to do anything? Are you allowed to ask for someones username and password?<br><br>JUST BE CAREFUL!!!


  • It's good that you didn't give her your password, but I would suggest not taking passwords either. It could still get you into trouble. Did you read the thread where it says that if anything goes wrong both parties will just be banned? Something like that...I would have reported her for even asking for information.
  • That happened to me once, this person wanted to swap sponsor kennels with me and they asked me how long until my sponsor account expired which was two months. The person replied saying theirs had like six months and had all three changes left. So I told them it wouldn't be fair because theirs was worth more money. Then the person started telling me how their dog got hit by a car and died and how their cat was dieing too and that all they wanted was to switch kennels. I told the person sorry about their pets and ignored the rest of their messages because I didn't really believe them. So I agree with you Rockstar be careful!
    Here have a band-aid
  • The thing was I didn't ask for her password, I just told her I wouldn't give her mine. Then she sent me a message saying "I'll guess we'll use mine". It's just annoying because she used bidding on one of my dogs as an excuse to scam me. The last message she sent really annoyed me. "remember i trusted you". You have to be careful who you trust
  • I would report her. She could try to scam someone else and they could fall for it.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I have had a few people try to do this to me before, they ask can we be partners? I say no cause I already share my kennel with my friend and they say well... (example) 3's not too many people. and I tell them I dont even know them and Im not giving out my password... It gets annoying!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • How do you report someone? I see contact for support, but is that it. I usually don't report people
  • How do you report someone? I see contact for support, but is that it. I usually don't report people
    <br><br>Yes, I think so. Did you have the messages asking you for your pass?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • this is kinda differnt but i hate when people lie to you like whan i was first a novice some one told me she did agility with her dog and had a border collie like me but when i asked her what like height her dog jumped at like over the jumps because they change for differnt size dogs and at first she said her dog jumped at 12'' and when i told her my dog jumped at 20'' inches but we might have he jump at 24'' so she would slow down and think a little she said her dog jumped 28'' and the highest jump hight is 26'' only used by akc and it just realy annoys me that people lie to you like im not going to like you and be nice if you have show dogs im going to like you if you nice :(<br><br>i said like alot oh well anyways dot lie or scam and be nice and nice people report people who scam others because then they will scam others have you ever heard of a thef going in and stealing just $1 or when they get away with they almsot always go back and steal things again just saying
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