INTO THE BIG DOG SECTION OF THE DOG PARK!!! There is a sign that clearly states that all dogs going into the big dog section MUST BE 50 pounds and over. SO why do people think it's ok to bring their tiny little five pound dogs into the 50 POUND AND OVER area?? There are rules for a reason, you're only endangering your dog when you take them into an area they aren't supposed to be in. <br><br>A little Pom was attacked in the big dog section today by a Rottie that was irritated with him, the damage was serious. The last thing I saw was the poor baby hanging limp in his owner's arms. I BLAME THE OWNER OF BOTH DOGS. The Rottie has bitten other dogs before, and the Pom was WAYYY under 50 pounds. Neither of the dogs should have been there. It's so stupid...why can't people just follow rules?? I mean, the little dog section is RIGHT NEXT TO the big dog section, why couldn't the owner walk a little ways more to put his little dog where it belonged? I've seen far to many dog attacks in the last week, wth is going on? <br><br>And why the heck am I always a witness!!! ARGH!!!!
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S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
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Goals: 13/50million VPC
Back in action?
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line