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All My Buddies Look Here!!!

<span style="font-size:85">I'd like to thank all my buds on here for always making my days more fun. ;]<br>First of all </span><br><span style="font-size:150">Anastasia</span><br><span style="font-size:85">(AKA Troglin :lol: ) for selling me my first sponser and always helping out and being a great friend :P GREAT banners too. xD</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Frostbight8</span> <br><span style="font-size:85">for always talking to me about horses and making me laugh and just being a great friend.</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Coconaur</span> <br><span style="font-size:85">for making me laugh and randomly PMing me :lol: and being a great friend also. <span style="color:#FF0000">And she also talks to me about her horse(s) xD</span></span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Holleywood</span><br><span style="font-size:85">shes always there for me and talking about horses and other animals to me and does GREAT banners :]</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">BobbyCat</span> <br><span style="font-size:85">we are getting to be closer buds *and she doesnt kill me for not showing her dogs right away xD if you see this Bobby PM me xD*</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Emagyn</span> <br><span style="font-size:85">a GREAT banner maker and friend :P</span><br> <br><span style="font-size:150">KittKattize</span> <br><span style="font-size:85">she was my bud right from the start ;)<br><br>Garnet</span> <br><span style="font-size:85">she always cheers me up on my rough days and talks to me about horses :P </span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Vampy</span><br><span style="font-size:85">me and her are also getting to be better friends ;)</span><br><br><br><span style="font-size:85">If I missed you Im sorry :cry: PM me if I did :O that spot where Garnet is/Vampy was just doesnt like me xD</span>
I <3 Keith Urban!


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