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People... please?



  • Fine. But you have to clean the house, cook the food, feed the children, feed the animals (and we will have animals), and...dust. You must dust.
  • OH GOD!!!<br><br>I HATE DUSTING!<br><br>Be a good man for me. Dust. Lol. I don't mind all the other stuff. That's all good for me, that just means the animals and kids will like me more c; <br><br>And I like to cook... just no cleaning or dusting please!
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • WOMAN!! YOU WILL CLEAN AND DUST!! <br><br>'re right...<br><br>The little wimpy whoppers will like you more, get them to do all the work while we have a romantic night rolling in mud. Sexxyyyy.
  • Ohhh, great idea!<br><br>They shall be our little slaves... which means you can NOT feed them to your- I mean OUR- snake... <br><br>Ahh! Rolling in mud... you're give me idea's Lala! LOL
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • O.o Wow. Most RANDOM thing to find at almost 1:30AM stalking the forums out of boredom. Lmao. Good convo though, entertained me for the past 8 mins or so :p
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • BabyBean13 wrote:
    O.o Wow. Most RANDOM thing to find at almost 1:30AM stalking the forums out of boredom. Lmao. Good convo though, entertained me for the past 8 mins or so :p
    <br><br><br>LOL, you read the whole convo?? I hardly even know her...but we manage to be weird.
  • Yeeup. I've read many posts. It's odd because I never used to care much about the forums. Now I've just about made a comment on every topic, lmao. I'm sure people have been like, doesn't she go away??
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • ...i think i'm talking to you in VP (0.0) or is this Deja Vu??
  • Oh, now don't I feel loved... <br><br>Just some weird girl you don't even know... Humph!<br><br>Baby, there'll be times when I'm the last person to comment on all of the general discussion and I'm on the pet one a lot... I think we feel the same way xD
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • Where have you been coconut! I havent talked to you in like...HOURS!!!!!!
  • Lmao. I thought you were calling LaLa "Baby" and continued on with that you were saying. I'm like..wait..I'm the one who said something about that. Til I realized you were referencing my name :p People normally avoid the Baby part and call me Bean XD One chick used BB. I don't really have an established nickname for the general community to call me.
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • I think Baby is much more enticing then, "oh hey Bean!"..bean bean bean...beaney weaney..<br><br>Sorry. I had a cup of tea with too much sugar and then had about fifteen cups more :oops:
  • BabyBean or Bean, usually :p It's a nickname my mother basically gave me and have had for many years. Not quite sure how long ago before I even made this account, but I was only 12 going on 13 within the next 5 days (hence the 13) and had no idea what to use for a Playername. But I think people avoid calling me baby cuz it's a bit awkward seeing as that's mostly referenced in relationships and such. Which I don't really mind what people call me if they even do. I, myself, hardly use nicknames or playernames unless I'm talking to someone else about them. <br><br>I don't like tea, generally :p Only few exceptions but definitely not warm/hot tea. That's just blech
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • I usually don't like it either...but this tea is AMAZING..its all warm and......warm. I will call you Samantha. <br><br>HAHA, jk. Who's Samantha?<br><br>My real name is Zyndalee (sin-duh-lee) hence my VP player name. My mother gave me that name after traveling to Italy I think..I don't know. My friends call me LeeLee though and people here generally just call me lala, which is my dog's name. Some people call me Laru, which is also my dogs name. :cry: I is named after my dog.
  • Zyndalee... SEXY<br><br>I shall forever call you Baby from now on c:<br><br>I'm stuck with the old name Abigail :/ It sucks lol. My username came from when I was typing in the absolute dark and tryed to spell coconut xD My friends always say I'm a dinosaur, so that's probably why, too :/
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • haha..but NO. I hate my name. <br><br>You are my coconut, my only coconut, you make me happyyyy, when skies are greyyyy.<br><br>that is my song too you.
  • OMG<br><br>I love my song!<br><br> You are SO talented!<br><br>I'm so happy we're married!
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • No you're not! You told me in the other thread that you didnt want to be with me you traitor!!
  • Yes, but I've also said I'm bi-polar.<br><br>And anyways, you were threatening to abuse me :/ (And rape me LOL)
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
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