So, I'm always on now. AND NO ONE ELSE IS!!! Why is that? Can you all please come on now? LOL<br><br>:P Anyways, onto the real rant.<br><br>So today it was really hot. I didn't want to open my blinds/window because that's right where my guinea pigs are. So you know what my stepdad does? HE OPENS THE WINDOW!!! >:c Then I had to leave for a bit, so I didn't even realzie the window and the blinds were open. So I come back home and one of my guinea pigs is about to go into heat stroke. Not only that, but the garden is right by my window... and it <span style="font-style:italic">seems</span> my stepdad <span style="font-style:italic">accidently</span> sprayed him with water. So he's in the middle of heat stroke, AND shivering from the water. Luckily Aloin is fine, but I just don't even want to TALK about my stepdad right now. If I was stronger, oh I swear he would be in LOTS of pain right now.<br><br>Ergh. I'm mad. Lol.
Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
I Keith Urban!