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(Crazy) Daisy *updated*

Since such sites are against the rules to post on here, you'll be left with random blanks. Sorry. But either way, you should get along fine. This is a convo with a couple of my friends.<br><br>Sara says (12:00 AM):<br> Bri, Imma have to upload pics on another site for you to view<br><br>Bri says (12:01 AM):<br> aw thank you, i wants to see the kitten too! lol<br><br>Kayla says (12:04 AM):<br> Gah, she's just so dang cute lmao (referring to the pics she saw on __)<br><br>Sara says (12:04 AM):<br> Lol, I know.<br><br>Kayla says (12:07 AM):<br> Love the huge rant <br><br>Sara says (12:07 AM):<br> Ah, the religious thing? (referring to a blog on __)<br><br>Sara says (12:08 AM):<br> Why do these pics come out so dang huge?<br><br>Kayla says (12:08 AM):<br> on the forums about grammar (she's referring to VP) <br><br>Sara says (12:09 AM):<br> Oh! Lol. I thought you were still viewing __. I copy and paste late night convos with Bri. We talk about the most random stuff XD<br><br>Bri says (12:09 AM):<br> =O What a pretty kittie!!<br><br>Kayla says (12:09 AM):<br> nope lol random convos are the best <br><br>Sara says (12:09 AM):<br> Why thank you =) I'll grab you the 2 that have her eating me alive<br><br>Bri says (12:10 AM):<br> lmao alrighty<br><br>Sara says (12:13 AM):<br> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Sara says (12:15 AM):<br> Her mouth is around my arm in the second one, lol, not resting on it.<br><br>Bri says (12:16 AM):<br> aww what a friendly little bundle of teeth,lol<br><br>Sara says (12:16 AM):<br> Haha, you could call it that.<br><br>Sara says (12:17 AM):<br> Wanna see her basically around the time I first got her?<br><br>Bri says (12:17 AM):<br> absolutely!<br><br>Sara says (12:23 AM):<br> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; <br>That's at about 2 months. Right now she's between 8 and 9. Christmas was like 7 months<br><br>Bri says (12:23 AM):<br> omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!! cuteness!<br><br>Sara says (12:24 AM):<br> Haha, isn't she itty bitty?<br><br>Bri says (12:24 AM):<br> actually to me she looks big,lol when we got Angel she was half that size<br><br>Sara says (12:25 AM):<br> Really? O.o<br><br>Bri says (12:25 AM):<br> yea<br> my Gram rescued her from a barn cat family<br> she was a very messed up little kitten<br><br>Sara says (12:26 AM):<br> Aww<br><br>Bri says (12:26 AM):<br> they even chopped her tail off<br><br>Sara says (12:26 AM):<br> Well this is Daisy at about 5-6 months, sweetest pic ever: <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; . !!! That's horrible!<br><br>Bri says (12:28 AM):<br> Awww!!!<br><br>Sara says (12:29 AM):<br> Here's another epic one for you. <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Sara says (12:30 AM):<br> Jumping into my hamper<br><br>Bri says (12:31 AM):<br> LOL cute<br><br>Sara says (12:34 AM):<br> Lol, and here's the last one Imma show cuz it's a pain and there's nothing really all that spectacular left. One I just recently took tonight of her bein a goofball: <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Bri says (12:36 AM):<br> aw how cute<br><br>Sara says (12:37 AM):<br> Well..actually. I got one of her stretching and it shows her back really well which it's rare to get in pics of her so I'll do that too<br><br>Bri says (12:37 AM):<br> lol ok<br><br>Sara says (12:38 AM):<br> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Bri says (12:39 AM):<br> wow beautiful markings!<br><br>Sara says (12:39 AM):<br> Yeah ^.^<br><br>Sara says (12:40 AM):<br> What's significant about her is she's got a little orange strip by her nose, and had a muliticolored spot on her tummy and like under her jaw<br><br>Bri says (12:41 AM):<br> aw cute<br><br>Sara says (12:42 AM):<br> Yeah =) it was sadening cuz they shaved it off when they had to spay her. Like it was still visable but it was skin coloring as opposed to fuzz which isn't as cute, ya know?<br><br>Bri says (12:42 AM):<br> yea, that stinks, atleast fur grows back<br><br>Sara says (12:43 AM):<br> Lol, yep. It's really odd having a bare spot and then thick fur in other places cuz it's winter<br><br>Bri says (12:43 AM):<br> yea<br><br>Sara says (12:43 AM):<br> It's like when you get 2 inches of snow but have that one random spot that stays clear XD<br><br>Bri says (12:44 AM):<br> lol yea<br> evil white stuff<br><br>Sara says (12:45 AM):<br> Well no..6 inches. I was thinking a small number for the fur, lmao. But anywho.<br><br><br>Haha, so yeah. Those are few of many pics of the infamous Daisy. My Aunt works at Petsmart and she knew how much I love Calicos and such. And specifically, I wanted a kitten. So it just so happened that one was transferred to the adoption center they have there from the South Kingstown pound. I happened to be on vacation in Pennsylvania but luckily leaving the next day anyways. So she was actually able to adopt her for me while we were gone and I picked her up the next day.<br><br>Trust me though, it wasn't all that easy. I got into many arguments with my mother and was forced to pay all expenses (vet bills for shots and such, food, caretaking supplies, litter, pay for the kitten herself, getting her spayed). It gets rather expensive even when shopping around and such.. Thankfully my aunt is amazing and gets discounts anyways so she often bought me toys and food. But the fact of the matter is, I still got my kitten ^_^ 2 month old Jenny. But I didn't want that name because I always pictured having a Daisy. So..yeah. Her estimated date of birth is May 30th, 2010. As of today, she is between 8 and 9 months of age. I've had many rodents and such in the past, but besides my mom's 20 year old cat (literally, he is 20 in human years), she is what I currently call my own <3
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