To set the tone please read:<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=29&t=72846</a><br><br>So we're still using that vet clinic. Today anyways the old vet was working, she still works. But Faith and Parker were there. Faith was getting blood work, and Parker her last shot. So well our vet is doing Faith, a vet tech the new lady hired is giving shots. She gives Parker the shot in the wrong part of her leg. Parker comes home and goes outside, then when she comes in she starts to shake violently on the floor. So we go to pick her up to wrap her in a blanket and put her on the couch, and she starts yelping. So we get her on the couch relaxed, and she won't lay down, because every time she moves she yelps. So she sits, and looks miserable for like 20 minutes, when we finally get her to lay down, after getting her some baby aspirin. So she shakes and doesnt move for an hour, and then she starts breathing rapidly. She gets up and curls up on my lap maybe 15 minutes into the rapid breathing. So she's like that for about an hour, then my mom gets home, and she starts digging to go o the floor. We put her down and she curls up on my dads feet, only moving to grab a fry we put on the floor. She's fine now 3 hours later, but those were all effects from not getting her shot properly... So pretty much we're done with our old vet. Time to bid you adieu vet.
