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Whos that Vp'r #3

1. Wimpy Kid and Garfield- or- Charles Dickens and Edgar Alan Poe? <br> 2. Potato chips -or- Veggis?<br> 3. A musical -or- the carnival?<br> 4. Lobster Thermidor -or- Franks and Beans?<br> 5. Video Games -or- Kicking a ball around outdoors<br> 6. Solitude -or- busy public areas<br> 7. Popularity -or- real friends and happyness (ussally in most cases hard to have both from where im from)<br> 8. Good Grades -or- screw homework<br> 9. College degree -or- taking your chances<br> 10. Family Game night -or- party hardy!<br> 11. Clean room -or- I cant see my floor!<br> 12. Fancy Gadgets -or- define electricty?<br> 13. Dress to impress -or- Comfort over Coutre <br><br> Have fun (:


  • 1. Charles Dickens and Edgar Alan Poe<br>2. Potato chips <br>3. A musical <br>4. Neither D;<br>5. Kicking a ball around outdoors<br>6. Solitude <br>7. Real friends and Happiness<br>8. Good Grades <br>9. College degree <br>10. Family Game night <br>11. I cant see my floor!<br>12. Fancy Gadgets <br>13. Comfort over Coutre
  • totouser wrote:
    1. Wimpy Kid and Garfield- or- Charles Dickens and Edgar Alan Poe? <br><span style="font-style:italic">Wimpy Kid or Garfield most of the time. </span><br> 2. Potato chips -or- Veggis? <br> <span style="font-style:italic">Depends. Ussally Veggies</span><br> 3. A musical -or- the carnival?<br><span style="font-style:italic">Carnival!!</span><br> 4. Lobster Thermidor -or- Franks and Beans?<br> <span style="font-style:italic">Anything that can be microwaved or grilled with bbq sauce</span><br> 5. Video Games -or- Kicking a ball around outdoors<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">video games </span><br> 6. Solitude -or- busy public areas<br><span style="font-style:italic">busy public arears</span><br> 7. Popularity -or- real friends and happyness (ussally in most cases hard to have both from where im from)<br><span style="font-style:italic">Use to be popularity, but after a recent tuff patch i relized they are not real friends. Ive started over. </span><br> 8. Good Grades -or- screw homework<br> <span style="font-style:italic">Good Grades</span><br> 9. College degree -or- taking your chances<br><span style="font-style:italic">College. Id kill my self if I chouldnt go!</span><br> 10. Family Game night -or- party hardy!<br> <span style="font-style:italic">Party Hardy!</span><br> 11. Clean room -or- I cant see my floor!<br> <span style="font-style:italic">Depends on the day /:</span><br> 12. Fancy Gadgets -or- define electricty?<br><span style="font-style:italic">Fancy Gadgets (the kind that are organaztiol plans</span><br> 13. Dress to impress -or- Comfort over Coutre <br> <span style="font-style:italic">Both</span><br><br> Have fun (:
  • 1. Charles Dickens and Edgar Alan Poe? <br>2. Potato chips <br>3. the carnival?<br>4. Lobster Thermidor <br>5. Video Games<br>6. Solitude <br>7. real friends and happiness<br>8. Good Grades <br>9. College degree <br>10. - party hardy!<br>11. Clean room -<br>12. Fancy Gadgets -<br>13. Dress to impress
  • 1. Wimpy Kid and Garfield<br>2. Potato chips<br>3. the carnival<br>4.Franks and Beans<br>5. Kicking a ball around outdoors<br>6. Solitude <br>7. real friends and happyness <br>8. Good Grades (I try XD)<br>9. College degree (VET:P)<br>10. Family Game night <br>11. I cant see my floor! (I dont like it that just happens) XD<br>12. define electricty<br>13. Dress to impress
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • 1. Charles Dickens and Edgar Alan Poe? <br>2. Veggis?<br>3. A musical <br>4. Franks and Beans?<br>5. Video Games <br>6. Solitude<br>7. real friends and happiness<br>8. Good Grades <br>9. College degree(Video Game Designer) <br> hardy!<br>11.I cant see my floor!(not by choice xD!<br>12. Fancy Gadgets ?<br>13.Comfort over Coutre
  • 1. Wimpy Kid and Garfield (Dont get me wrong, I enjoy classic literature like no other, but let's face it, it's sometimes rather dull to read.)<br>2. Potato chips<br>3. The carnival (I also enjoy musicals, but carnivals are just more fun to me.)<br>4. Franks and beans (Lobster. Ew. I don't like it. D8)<br>5. Video games<br>6. Solitude UNLESS I know people in the busy public area. I don't like to be in large crowds without someone I know and trust.<br>7. Real friends. I've never been much for needing my name to be known.<br>8. Screw homework. In a perfect world, where I enjoyed every single class, I'd get great grades, but I have this bad habit of not focusing and just not DOING things that don't interest me.<br>9. College degree<br>10. Family game night<br>11. Clean room, thanks to my husband. I'm a slob unless nagged.<br>12. Fancy Gadgets<br>13. Dress to impress
  • 1. Wimpy Kid and Garfield. Poems are too hard to understand and boring sometimes<br>2. Potato chips by far. But carrots and celery once and a while are okay. <br>3. A musical - whether I'm in it or watching it it can't be beat! <br>4. Franks and Beans. Though I'd rather have fries lol. I'm a picky eater. <br>5. Video Games. Getting outside is great, but I'm not the outdoors person <br>6. Solitude- Hey, I like being with friends, but not in busy places. <br>7. Real friends and happiness of course. I may not be popular, but what would I do without my two besties?<br>8. Good Grades -Never recieved lower then a B on a report card.<br>9. College degree. I can't become a teacher without one!<br>10. Family Game night in most cases. I love my family. <br>11. Clean room. It's not perfect, but I can't stand if its a mess. <br>12. Fancy Gadgets. I wish I had more of them, but I'm ok with a TV, wii, and computer.<br>13. Both. I know when its time to be comfy, or look nice. <br><br>By the way, I really like doing these. I hope you don't mind if I continue making them since your leaving VP. :(
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I probolly will everyonce in awhile, and be a fourm lurker. I absolutley adore reading the awnsers, it makes me all fuzzy inside (:
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