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Famous Poets??

edited February 2011 in General Discussion
I have a project due on a poet,I have to wright a two page biography and read a poem of theirs. I'm having trouble finding a poet I want to do my report on,do If you can think of a poet please post their name and if possible a little info on them. Thank you!
SmiLe :)



  • My favorite poet of all time is Edgar Allen Poe. All his stuff is unique. My all time favorite is the Tall-Tale Heart. It basically about a crazy guy sneaking into someone's room and killing him. Its greaphic but i love being crazy without actually GOING crazy. Its pretty easy to understand as well. I saw it preformed as a theatre production once and it was AMAZING! Plus Poe was a very interesting person. He will be very interesting to research LOL
  • Yes,I've heard of him in my class,I was thinking of doing it on him,but I'm sure that most of the people in my class will do the same. Still deciding.... :) Thanks
    SmiLe :)

  • I enjoyed Dante's Divine Comedy, <span style="font-style:italic">but</span> I would definitely ask your teacher's permission before writing/reading anything from him if he seems interesting to you. Dante and his poems might be a bit too controversial, even though they are world famous, and considered classic. Homer's Iliad and the Odyssey are also interesting, but another thing I'd ask permission about, since they aren't your stereotypical poems. Overall I'm not really into poetry...actually I quite detest almost all poetry. One of the only poets I actually enjoyed during mandatory schooling was Langston Hughes. You'd definitely be able to find a lot of interesting things to write about him, and his poetry during the Harlem Renaissance.<br><br>As mentioned, you could always fall back on Edgar Allan Poe, but as you said, a lot of people tend to pick him.<br><br>Now, this is really unusual, but someone picked him when I was in a freshman in highschool... I guess it just depends on your teacher's humor, but what about Dr. Seuss?
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Thank you :) I will look up them tonight, I plan to do a good bit of reserach tonight,so yea! :) Sadly both Langton huges and Edger will commonly picked since those were the two we have studied,if I did them I would have to make them extra awesome,I think I could do that... I will start doing some research now and get started. :) Thanks for all your help!
    SmiLe :)

  • Shel Silverstein. for the win!<br><br>I love his work, very fun and up tempo. ^.^
  • Robert Frost is one of my favorites :)<br>He does a lot of scenery/nature type poems. They have very vivid imagery. I was trying to find the winter one I had in mind, but I can't find it anywhere. It's been so long since I've read it I don't recall the title >.<<br>"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."<br>~Robert Frost <br><br>Sylvia Plath is another good one, as well. Only two I recall very well right this moment. I believe I did a report on her before.<br><br>"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."<br>~Sylvia Plath
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Shel Silverstein. for the win!<br><br>I love his work, very fun and up tempo. ^.^
    <br><br>Ha I grew up with his poems! I was going to post this as a suggestion, but here it is!
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