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Some People !!!

edited January 2011 in General Discussion
Today when I was out taking my dogs down the local park as we entered the park I let both dogs off the leads and let them have a sniff about as we wondered our way through. <br>We were not more than 50meters into the park when a group of boys all gathered toegther shouted that I better put my dogs on the lead while theres bigger dogs around, I asked why and they said cause there dog was aggressive and would "cause damage" to mine if he got close. I said that if you have a dangerous dog like that it shouldnt be in the park and should be kept on a lead and muzzled and they then started to say watch your dog casue if he gets close that they'll "boot him in the head". <br>By this point I was very angery that people could be like this, I am very protective of my dogs as they are like my children in a way and I would let anyone threaten someone like that so why should i stand around and let them threaten my dogs in that way.<br>I told the boys to shut up and walked away they then very poorly threw items at myself and the dogs all I could do was laugh at them which made them worse but I couldnt help it, to see grown people act like 4 year olds humoured me and what more could I do Im a small built women that is in know way threatening and I found it funny and sad how they used there pets to try and infulence others. <br>I looked at there dogs that was apparently a dangerous dog and it was a Bull Mastiff that looked nothing like an aggresive dog it looked like a dog that wanted to play and be fussed not hurt someone. They also had two Stafordshire Bull Terriers that were very playful and the way they were treating these dogs trying to make people scared of them is pathitic and I dont think people like that should be a loud dogs. They purchase dogs as an extra to make them look like they are "Hard" or "Scary" when in fact they are no more then sad people that need to grow up and understand that a dog is not an extra but a life that you choose totake on and understand all that comes with a dog an not treat it like that. Dogs are social beings that love the compamy of others and treating a dog like that surely cause the dog to have behavoural issues Id think. <br><br>I have just had enough of people buying dogs to make them in to a scare tattic to the public these dogs are suffering for their actions and its not fair. The park is a family park where there are swings and duck ponds that children feed the birds and acting like that int hat sort of place is totally negilgance to the people around them. <br><br>For another point my dogs are family pets that have been brough up with children and toddlers and have been socialised since they were aloud out in the public. One of my dogs in 10 and a half and barely moves faster then a walking pace and the other in only 8 months old and has very little interested in anything other then squirrels and water so I see very little point of trying to tscare someone who obviously has very little to do with their life style I am not impressed nor want to even interact with people like that.<br><br>I dunno am I over reacting or not? I just feel that people should not be aloud to use dogs like that or use abussive launage at people.<br>I dont even know what I can do about it


  • You are not over reacting, i find that people like that are just plain rude and ignorant. Ive been in a simular situation where i used to live we let our dogs run (all toy breeds mind you) and the neighbors loved them, they never bothered anyone till a new couple moved down the road and started complaining about them, and threatened to shoot them and stuff. all i can say is people are just incoherent. They dont have the brains to realize these dogs are older.. and tiny..
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