I can't make banners or pics because my stupid computer is being stupidly stupid. I come on to VP and look in my kennel to see that dogs were bought...then I look at who bought them...and OH!! My dogs aren't there!!! GUESS WHY??? Because "she" nuetered and then released them!!! WHY!??!!?? Those dogs were fully trained and stat maxed, AND they had cost her 10k each. She claims that she needed the money, so why buy my dogs in the first place!??!? I would have bought them back in a heart beat if I knew she was going to do THAT to them. It seriously made me want to cry at first because I worked so damn hard on those dogs...and the training definitely wasn't free!!! Why are people so...UGH!!! <br><br>AND THEN..my uncle calls me and tells me that he forgot to bring my dog (Dogue De Bordeaux) in to the house and he got a heat stroke!!! OMG I almost broke down. AND THEN I look in my hamsters cage and guess what??? SHE'S NOT THERE!!! I can't find her anywhere!!! She just had TEN babies (two days old) and they absolutely NEED their mother!!! <br><br>I swear I'm about to have a nervous break down. The hamster usually comes when I call her and I'm afraid she was smashed or something...OH THE HORROR!!! I've literally been looking for hours and I have people looking around the house now.. OH, AND THEN my cousin gives my other dog (Tosa Inu) a chicken bone and she choked!!! Oh goodness, I don't know what to do, I'm going to go look some more.<br><br>THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME HAPPY RIGHT NOW (3 week old syrian hamster "Theo")<br><br><img src="
http://i51.tinypic.com/2hqdt2v.jpg" alt="
http://i51.tinypic.com/2hqdt2v.jpg" class="bb-image" />
I Keith Urban!