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UGH!!!! This is so irritating!!!

edited January 2011 in Vent
I can't make banners or pics because my stupid computer is being stupidly stupid. I come on to VP and look in my kennel to see that dogs were bought...then I look at who bought them...and OH!! My dogs aren't there!!! GUESS WHY??? Because "she" nuetered and then released them!!! WHY!??!!?? Those dogs were fully trained and stat maxed, AND they had cost her 10k each. She claims that she needed the money, so why buy my dogs in the first place!??!? I would have bought them back in a heart beat if I knew she was going to do THAT to them. It seriously made me want to cry at first because I worked so damn hard on those dogs...and the training definitely wasn't free!!! Why are people so...UGH!!! <br><br>AND uncle calls me and tells me that he forgot to bring my dog (Dogue De Bordeaux) in to the house and he got a heat stroke!!! OMG I almost broke down. AND THEN I look in my hamsters cage and guess what??? SHE'S NOT THERE!!! I can't find her anywhere!!! She just had TEN babies (two days old) and they absolutely NEED their mother!!! <br><br>I swear I'm about to have a nervous break down. The hamster usually comes when I call her and I'm afraid she was smashed or something...OH THE HORROR!!! I've literally been looking for hours and I have people looking around the house now.. OH, AND THEN my cousin gives my other dog (Tosa Inu) a chicken bone and she choked!!! Oh goodness, I don't know what to do, I'm going to go look some more.<br><br>THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME HAPPY RIGHT NOW (3 week old syrian hamster "Theo")<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • I can't make banners or pics because my stupid computer is being stupidly stupid. I come on to VP and look in my kennel to see that dogs were bought...then I look at who bought them...and OH!! My dogs aren't there!!! GUESS WHY??? Because "she" nuetered and then released them!!! WHY!??!!?? Those dogs were fully trained and stat maxed, AND they had cost her 10k each. She claims that she needed the money, so why buy my dogs in the first place!??!? I would have bought them back in a heart beat if I knew she was going to do THAT to them. It seriously made me want to cry at first because I worked so damn hard on those dogs...and the training definitely wasn't free!!! Why are people so...UGH!!!
    <br><br>Once a dog is bought its not yours anymore its their. They can do whatever they want with it. I'm not being rude but if you didn't want them to be bought then why put them up for sale?
  • aww your hamster is ADORABLE!!! :)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Holleywood wrote:
    I can't make banners or pics because my stupid computer is being stupidly stupid. I come on to VP and look in my kennel to see that dogs were bought...then I look at who bought them...and OH!! My dogs aren't there!!! GUESS WHY??? Because "she" nuetered and then released them!!! WHY!??!!?? Those dogs were fully trained and stat maxed, AND they had cost her 10k each. She claims that she needed the money, so why buy my dogs in the first place!??!? I would have bought them back in a heart beat if I knew she was going to do THAT to them. It seriously made me want to cry at first because I worked so damn hard on those dogs...and the training definitely wasn't free!!! Why are people so...UGH!!!
    <br><br>Once a dog is bought its not yours anymore its their. They can do whatever they want with it. I'm not being rude but if you didn't want them to be bought then why put them up for sale?
    <br><br>uh..first of all it's common knowledge that once a dog is bought from me it isn't mine anymore, I'm not stupid I know that. Secondly, I never said I didn't want my dogs to be bought, if I didn't want them to be bought I wouldn't have put them up for sale don't ya think?? :)
  • aww your hamster is ADORABLE!!! :)
    <br><br>Thank you, he's nibbling on my lip right now :)
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Holleywood wrote:
    I can't make banners or pics because my stupid computer is being stupidly stupid. I come on to VP and look in my kennel to see that dogs were bought...then I look at who bought them...and OH!! My dogs aren't there!!! GUESS WHY??? Because "she" nuetered and then released them!!! WHY!??!!?? Those dogs were fully trained and stat maxed, AND they had cost her 10k each. She claims that she needed the money, so why buy my dogs in the first place!??!? I would have bought them back in a heart beat if I knew she was going to do THAT to them. It seriously made me want to cry at first because I worked so damn hard on those dogs...and the training definitely wasn't free!!! Why are people so...UGH!!!
    <br><br>Once a dog is bought its not yours anymore its their. They can do whatever they want with it. I'm not being rude but if you didn't want them to be bought then why put them up for sale?
    <br><br>uh..first of all it's common knowledge that once a dog is bought from me it isn't mine anymore, I'm not stupid I know that. Secondly, I never said I didn't want my dogs to be bought, if I didn't want them to be bought I wouldn't have put them up for sale don't ya think?? :)
    <br><br>Oi, keep it polite please ;)<br><br>This comment comes every time anyone posts that a dog of theirs was bought and sold off cheap/retired/released/over-bred/etc. Tis effectively a fact of life now :)
  • lol, I guess me trying to cover up a cocky reply with a smiley face didn't work. :lol:
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    lol, I guess me trying to cover up a cocky reply with a smiley face didn't work. :lol:
    <br><span style="font-size:90"><br>Never does work. ;)<br><br>Anyway, in response-it's sad that a grown man can "forget" to bring a dog in his care in. It's a shame that your dog could be dead (if not already..I'm not really into heat stroke possibilities and all that since I'd never forget to bring mine in, but I'm pretty sure that animals can die from it) due to his stupidity. I, as a person who has a pet peeve of forgetful people, would want either all the vet bills paid or be reimbursed for all the costs I've put into the dog; but I'm not sure about your relationship with your uncle, or what ultimately happened to the dog. I'd be devastated, as you've stated you already are.<br><br>Why can the hamster get out in the first place..? I understand that accidents happen, but since you stated that she usually comes when you call I'm assuming that it's happened more than just this time..It's a shame that the babies may not have a mother now, but you'll have to start researching and asking a lot of questions about how to try and keep them alive yourself if you haven't found her yet.<br><br>I would make sure to keep my dogs away from children (or teens?) that don't realize that a dog can choke and die on a chicken bone. It'd probably be best if you tried to teach him/her more about dogs in the next times he/she/they are over (or they live there? I don't know any of the background), so that it doesn't happen again. I've had to do this myself with the horses at the barn or their own dogs when I visit my cousins.<br><br>Also, the Syrian is rather cute-I love piebald in hamsters.(:<br></span>
  • I wouldn't put my hamster back into a cage that she's escaped out of before. What I meant was that she will usually come back to me if I'm letting her run around on the floor. My uncle watched my dog as a favor to me and he does more for me then anyone else, he's an amazing person and he is not stupid, you just forget sometimes I guess. I won't be making him pay for anything. The person that gave my dog the bone was an adult and claimed that she was just trying to get Laru to like her, so she went into my room (where Laru was locked) and tried to "bond" through the use of food. I would never leave my dog around people unfamiliar to her and I definitely would not leave her in the care of anyone but myself for the protection of her and the person (Laru is people and dog aggressive and she bit the lady after eating the bone). I don't know, I guess people just have stupid moments. All of my animals are safe now though, even the mommy hammy :) heres a picture of her babies:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br> oh and if you'd like to know why my dog is aggressive I can explain that too, since a lot of people get in my face about it :/ I'am very responsible and she has never bitten a person or dog before while in my care...I was actually shocked that she did bite someone since she's been doing so well in her therapy..
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    I wouldn't put my hamster back into a cage that she's escaped out of before. What I meant was that she will usually come back to me if I'm letting her run around on the floor. My uncle watched my dog as a favor to me and he does more for me then anyone else, he's an amazing person and he is not stupid, you just forget sometimes I guess. I won't be making him pay for anything. The person that gave my dog the bone was an adult and claimed that she was just trying to get Laru to like her, so she went into my room (where Laru was locked) and tried to "bond" through the use of food. I would never leave my dog around people unfamiliar to her and I definitely would not leave her in the care of anyone but myself for the protection of her and the person (Laru is people and dog aggressive and she bit the lady after eating the bone). I don't know, I guess people just have stupid moments. All of my animals are safe now though, even the mommy hammy :) heres a picture of her babies:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br> oh and if you'd like to know why my dog is aggressive I can explain that too, since a lot of people get in my face about it :/ I'am very responsible and she has never bitten a person or dog before while in my care...I was actually shocked that she did bite someone since she's been doing so well in her therapy..
    <br><br>i was not trying to gang up on you or anything before , but your hamster is cute :3<br>send me a baby hamster? XD
  • I know :) I'm just naturally defensive...I seriously would send you one if I could ya know, what am I gonna do with ten baby hammys?? lol
  • large litters are why you don't breed hammies unless you have plans for the pups :P I would check with local pet stores and see if they can take them, they shouldn't be going to new home until 5 or 6 weeks old though. At 3-4 weeks, if they are eating solid food well they should be removed from mom and seperated by gender. <br><br>Since they are Syrians, they are solitary animals and should be living alone so there should never be a reason for an "accidental" litter. Syrians will often fight another hamster, and they seriously injure or kill each other.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    large litters are why you don't breed hammies unless you have plans for the pups :P I would check with local pet stores and see if they can take them, they shouldn't be going to new home until 5 or 6 weeks old though. At 3-4 weeks, if they are eating solid food well they should be removed from mom and seperated by gender. <br><br>Since they are Syrians, they are solitary animals and should be living alone so there should never be a reason for an "accidental" litter. Syrians will often fight another hamster, and they seriously injure or kill each other.[/quI <br><br>I know all of that but thanks :) I bought an already pregnant hammy from a pet store that sexed them wrong without knowing, so that's how it happened. There can be exceptions with the hamster's living arrangements if they've grown up together from birth. I don't keep my male and female together to prevent unwanted litters, but I do have two other sister hamsters that have lived together for two years now...they grew up together and do just fine. I've already found homes for the babies...I was just messing around.
  • growing up together does not mean that they will always get along, trust me. In the wild Syrians live alone, coming into contact with another hamster only to breed. That is their nature. Pairs getting along is the exception, not the rule, and really isn't worth the risk since the first sign of a problem could be one hamster killing the other.<br><br>If you bought a female that was already pregnant why do you have pictures of the mother and father in the pets section?
  • Because I bought them both together. They were both in the same cage at the pet store and the workers told me they've always lived together so I assumed he was daddy hamster. I know it's not the rule, but in some cases they can live together. I wasn't worried that they would hurt each other at all because they were very tame from the beginning, I don't keep any of my other syrians together and I get all my advice from my vet and pet psychologist so I feel very safe.
  • Just so you know, pet shops keep syrians in the same cage because they don't have the room to house them all seperate. Some pet stores don't do any research on animals they have and don't know that syrians should not remain living together past a certain age. It was a pet store like that that led to my sister an I keeping our sister syrians together, until one day with no warning they started fighting. Needless to say, there was only one hamster left when that incident was over with.<br><br>Even the best vets often don't know nearly as much as they should about small animals. Most vets don't see many hamsters during their career.<br><br>While littermates can get along while still young, once they hit maturity they will become very territorial. It really is only a matter of time before squabbles start to break out. I sincerely hope that your mother hamster is living alone since other adults will kill pups.
  • I figured that out about pet stores when she had the babies. I already said I only keep the sisters together, so yes the mother is alone with only her babies. The sisters have never caused eachother harm before and they do just fine. My vet knows what she's doing. My pet's psychologist knows what she's doing. They will be fine.
  • And I keep the mother hamster alone because the father would get her pregnant again, not because he will kill the babies. Father syrians will help raise the children and have even been seen helping their mate give birth and then sharing the after birth.
  • No that is dwarf hamsters you are thinking of, they are colony animals and enjoy living together.<br><br>Syrian hamsters are SOLITARY animals, the males will kill babies if the female doesn't kill him for being close to her pups :P<br><br>As I said, just because they haven't fought yet, does not mean it won't happen. Our sisters had never fought before but it only took that one time.<br><br>In my opinion your vet and pet psychologist clearly don't know a thing about syrian hamsters. But it's your choice to believe as you wish.
  • Then there must be something gentically wrong with my hamsters because when I didn't know that they weren't supposed to be together he was helping her, and then he started moving the babies that got out of the nest back into the nest.. when I saw him doing this it was the day of their birth and I didn't know they even existed, and I just thought "what the heck is that and what the heck is he doing". Then I saw him and the female sharing something bloody and I realized what it was. I will believe as I i wish, everything that I've been told so far has worked. One of the sisters is dying though... old age is what they tell me.
  • And the pet store told me they were the hamsters are inbred, and they made inbred babies...I'm thinking that's not to good.
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